Logbook entry

Ten days in the black and I'm gonna make it home tonight.

22 May 2019Eskwadl
So a few weeks back an old buddy of mine gave me some tips about a new lucrative mining technique.  So of course I go out in to the black to try my hand.  Thinking back, maybe I should have listened to Juana and let some one know where I was going.  Oh well.  So we are pulling in all kinds of Painite and what ya know, Skeeving Pirates!  we get into a glorious battle.  I'm holding my own pretty well until all of a sudden I go from fighting a python to a full wing with an anaconda and 2 vultures jump in on us.  Juana's in the helm of the Kihmari while im in a fighter doing some pew pew with a vulture, just about had him when Juana shrieks.  "We have torpedo's incoming!"  Thankfully she brought her "A" game that day.  With a full reverse burn she spins our ship 180 and hits full boost.  Pips to engines knowing full well 6 torps hitting their mark and blowing our shields out like a candle.  We get up to full speed and she charges the FSD for a micro jump.  We enter super cruise and I'm back in the co pilot seat a bit disorientated from the SLF blowing up but still alive.  So Juana takes us towards a dense cluster of asteroids and drops us down into regular space.  She finds a few big roids and miraculously squeazes this fat cutter in all cozy and shit.  She shuts down all ship systems and the power plant.  

Nearly a week goes by before the area settles down.  Them old rascally pirates were determined to find us.  Had a full cargo hold of painite that had them licking their chops wanting an easy payday.  We got the last laugh when half dozen system authority Vettes drop in and light up the bad guys.  Was an impressive battle.  The python blew up almost instantly and the conda turned tail to run but got its engines disabled.  The vultures got lucky and jumped away with  just the skin of their teeth intact.  The conda crew was apprehended and the feds scuttled their broken heap.  After the smoke was all clear and no contacts on radar we decide to bring ole Kihmari back to life.  Shields are gone but minimal hull damage and all systems in the 90's.  Juana eases the fat lady outta her hidy hole and heads for the nearest station.  

Next day comes and we have a new shield generator installed and ship is ready for the voyage to sell its payload.  Got word from the Pilot's Federation that Juana's quick thinking and superb piloting during that ambush earned her a new rank.  Was a proud moment to pin the new bars to her chest.  Um, to her jacket I mean.
We start warming up the engines and a voice comes over the radio. CMDE Spike has shown up  to chauffer us to the market place.  So we take him up on his offer and head out.  90 light years later we dock safely with no unplanned detours and check the markets.   We got lucky!  All said and done and we earn 408 million credits.

Juana ran into an old squad mate of hers and now I have another crew member.   Juana and Kyara, my ears are still ringing from all that chattering all the way back home.

Time for some more mining.

Till next time.

CMDR Eskwadl (and the giggle twins)
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