Logbook entry

Tra la la la

12 Mar 2020Eskwadl
For a while now the crew and I have been laying low. Sent the three lady's out on their own and I went undercover to fly like a noob again. Was quite entertaining until the local authorities got suspicious. The Pilot's Federation District Permit. I managed to sweet talk my way out of that situation. Now that I have a second Fully registered Pilots License, I can now participate in risky business transactions with out having to get a bad reputation. My alternative identity has been busy with some mildly nefarious missions lately. Made a bit of under the table income for my retirement.

Found my self a little hidey hole out side the bubble on a lush little paradise that has all the outdoors activities anyone can ask for. Some very interesting exotic game to hunt and rivers full of fresh and tasty fish. Built a small place deep in the forest where where I can hide from civilization for awhile. No technology is bad idea as there are some "lions and tigers and bears oh my." Limited tech though is acceptable. Makes it a bit easier to avoid the less savory critters when you have perimeter alarms.

Spent a few months out in the woods until the crew decided they were tired of Bounty hunting. I'm still wondering what the real reason is, kinda suspicious how the Vette had a breeched reactor. Not to mention all the slf's were utterly destroyed too. Glad I didn't let em fly the Cutter, id be beyond broke. Oh well. Juana has managed to get really close to Elite in combat. Not sure if she will stick around or go off on her own once she has her license. Far as Kyara goes she seems to gave taken a liking to tinkering with the ships defensive systems. The Vette has some megajoules now. Poor Kyara seems to still be struggling with flying the slf's and shooting the fixed plasma's. Rumor has it she may have crashed into the mother ship on more than a few occasions.

After getting the Vette all ship shape again we decided to make friends with some of the neighborhood engineers. Got full access to all of them now. Spent a bit of time allied with Princess Smurffette and got a few more Prismatic's for the fleet. Had a blast with the Shock Cannon Scavenger hunt. Haven't decided if I like them yet.

Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, now that the mining crash the Gal's have talked me into playing tour bus.

There have been some rumor's going around lately about "Personal Fleet Carriers." Probably gonna cost something ridiculous. So many secrets.....

The giggle twins have decided to hire a new crewmate, me and that damn Vodka..... So meet Irene. Seems a bit young a Naïve. Another troubled youth, seems like a pattern now. Anyways she spent some time ferrying supplies so an old slave pit for a while and have some flight time so we will test her out. Cant do any worse than run into the Reactor like someone we know. For now I think we will sign off and find a place to dock.

An old buddy was telling me bout this asteroid station that has a lot of miners looking for vacation cruises and paying decently. Also hear they have a selection of Rub and Tug joints to sample. Figure what the hell. Can't seem to find any Imperial Sex Slaves any more (greedy old timers).

Time to log off I spose and see if I can find a quiet spot on this noisy boatful and sleep off this Kongga Ale.

Nighty Night

Sleep Tight
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