Logbook entry

What am I doing?

26 Aug 2021Eskwadl
This misson board flipping is a pain. Many a day have I looked. Have to bear in mind that I have to build my rep. No way in hell I will be able to pull off the high profile missions if I can't handle the low profile missions. Some days I can't help but wonder about this crew. The bigger it get the more drama to deal with.

Some days I am happy to be in my Imp. Eagle, fluttering in the wind wondering if I can make it. Full missile payload lets me bomb the scavengers from afar. Still have to decide if the old hunter theory of shot placement, can compete with high capacity. The ambush mentality so far works for me. Shock and awe, needs well coordinated teamwork. Maybe someday we can play that game. For now we will be the team that goes in cognito and works miracles. Many a missions is lack luster. Gotta build the reputation. Someday...

These boards are dismal. Table scraps to build with. Suit schematics are near impossible to find. Eventually I will be able to build a few Loadouts to run with.

Ugh....the nororiety....

Sitting in a nice hiding spot.....

WTF.....how did they see me.....

Now To get that damn nugget of stuff some scientist wants.....

Got it....

Why are so many people willing to die for this insignificant little rock?

Does it glow in the dark?

Fart peppermint flavor?

Not sure I really care. I'm in this for the payout. One more Schematic....

Restricted access?

You asked me to do this job and now you want to make me look like the bad guy?

Some days this headache makes me want to head back out into the black and shoot poor defenseless rocks all day. I can't do that to my crew.
They need a payday to feed their families.

Why in the hell did I decide to grow my operation?

Another Kongga, and we shall see what tomorrow brings.....

Cmd Eskwadl
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