Logbook entry

Stardate blah blah blah......

17 Sep 2021Eskwadl
Taking on a lot of mercenary work lately and trying to avoid the notoriety. Not an easy task some days. I have been avoiding certain jobs lately. At a point where I can be choosy, contrary to the beggars can't be choosy motto.

The crew have been doing their own thing for a few weeks now. Giving them a bit of space, good for them as well as me. Spent a bit of time riding them pretty hard to see how they perform under pressure. Juana can handle the stress, Kyara is a good mechanic long as she can take her sweet time. Irene, um, back to that topic later.

So I am curious tho to know how Rikku and her mate are doing. haven't heard from her in awhile. I'm sure they are working on a bit of mining or something. They tend to stay out of sight out of mind. Probably not such a bad idea. Less expectations and better profit margins I spose.

Taking missions to restore power to settlements that have gone down for whatever reason. Work my way in and get power up and running again. Ship alarms go off, ship under attack.
Don't even get a chance to get back outside and next thing I know, "your ship has been destroyed".

Mother ******* opportunistic little ***** *** scavengers...

Can't even count how many are outside. Managed to put out the fires in the power central buildings. Good thing life support systems are on the roof of most buildings. Sneak my way across the settlement without drawing attention. Shutdown life support systems for the Agri buildings. Work my way to the Hab building, cut the access panel open. ****..... How did I draw their attention?

Hop skip and jump around. Take three of these damn fools out. Two more on my tail. Dodge and weave around to lose them, just long enuf to shut down the life support systems for the hab.

Call in a taxi.

Why land in the center of the settlement where the Scavengers are? Dumbass. Guess you deserve to get blown up.

Long hike out into the wilderness. Not enough power to run shields and suit systems. Yay... shut down shields.

22% power

17 % power

8% power

Is this moron gonna land or let me die?

3% power

Still waiting.....

"Battery depleted. Shutting systems down"

Oxygen level 87%

I can see the taxi.

Oxygen level 64%

Are you having a coffee break?

Oxygen Level 27 %

Am I really paying a premium for this?

Oxygen Level 4%

About damn time....

Talk about cutting it close. Can I get a refund for the first taxi that blew up?

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