Cmdr Ryuko Ntsikana
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk IV XK-13C
Overall assets
Société Virtuel de l'Au-delà

Logbook entry

Episode 116, Two Sides

14 Oct 2024Ryuko Ntsikana

Episode 116, Two Sides
Pegasi Sector MS-T c3-14

Each person leaned forward, eyes trained on the holographic map floating above the table. Ryuko moved the laser pointer slowly, outlining the surrounding systems and the intricate strategy he’d woven.

“The plan is straightforward,” Ryuko began. “Meredith, Ceri—you’ll handle passenger missions for specific factions in non-anarchy systems within a 30-light-year range. Build a foothold, and gain influence. Keep your presence low-key.”

Meredith nodded, as Ceri furrowed her brow, attempting to understand. She might have worked her way up in a pirate faction but this pirate’s way was different than any she had known before. In fact, she was having trouble following what his real plan and motivations were. His way of doing business wasn’t the direct raids she was used to. So far his mannerisms and ways of handling both his crew and business were opposite of any pirate she had ever known.

“The Coteries,” Ryuko continued, looking toward them, “you’ll be active in the surrounding Anarchy systems. Hit traders, freelancers—anyone moving cargo. Push them inward, into the systems where Meredith and Ceri are working.”

Corvus leaned back, a grin forming on his face at the prospect of the Coteries wreaking havoc among trade ships in a nearby anarchy system.

Ryuko shifted the pointer. “Meanwhile, I’ll be running between them in my Python, connecting the anarchy systems to the non-anarchy ones. My focus will be on working with the competitors of the factions Meredith and Ceri are building up.”

Tara’s eyes flicked between Ryuko and the holographic map, processing the plan’s layers and adding to the recent past history. She now began to understand the legacy he was carving out for his old mentor.

“On top of that,” Ryuko added, his voice cool and calculated, “They are still asking for donations and I’ll float another loan to the faction you two are working for, at twenty-five percent interest. They won’t be able to afford it in the long run, but it’ll keep them on the hook long enough to siphon off profits from their rivals. Those profits will go into your accounts, to make up for the loss in revenue from the ones you are working for.”

Ryuko allowed a moment of pause as the Coterie were all smiles, speaking in hushed murmurs amongst themselves. Tara flashed a knowing look at Ceri, as Ryuko’s eyes followed hers toward the young lady who was lost in her own thoughts. It was Meredith himself, who leaned over to her.

“We are running legitimate business clientele and building a customer base. Their payouts will not be as lucrative, due to their financial situation, but that will be made up for by the credits Ryuko makes from their competitors, so in the end, we make more than before.”

A troubled look appeared on Ceri’s face. “I’m having trouble understanding why we are doing any of this to begin with. Why not descend on their holdings directly, take everything we can get our hands on, and finish them, if that is your goal.”

A faint smile tugged at Ryuko’s lips, but it was Lianna’s girlish giggle that made Ceri’s eyes flare.

“You misunderstand, Miss Ceri,” Lianna said, her tone gentle but firm. “He’s making sure we all profit in our own way, while also securing his mentor’s legacy. The ones responsible for his mentor’s death? They were handled long ago. But the ones who created the conditions that led to the betrayal—the ones who benefited from the split. Those are the people he’s targeting now.”

Lianna leaned forward slightly, her eyes gleaming with understanding. “They need to be standing tall again, believing they’ve regained everything they lost. That’s when the humiliation will cut the deepest. After that, it won’t matter what happens to them. The story will write itself. Conspiracy theories, rumors, whispers—it’ll all take on a life of its own, long after those responsible are dust.”

Tara smiled slightly, turning to Ceri. “You’re used to brute force and intimidation, Ceri. But here, it’s about precision. We don’t need to break everything down immediately. What we do here is far more profitable—and more lasting. This plan isn’t just about revenge. It’s about making sure we all come out on top.”

The room was filled with murmurs of agreement. Ceri glanced around the table, still uncertain. Tara glanced at Ryuko then to Meredith. “If you can do without your boatswain I would like Ceri to join us for our part of the venture.”

Her eyes flicked between Meredith, who had given her a steadying look, and Ryuko, who was leaning back in his chair, his expression unreadable, but his attention clearly fixed on her. Tara’s words echoed in her mind: brute force and intimidation aren’t the only way. This was something different, something she couldn’t quite grasp yet.

“I...” Ceri hesitated, unsure of herself in a way she hadn’t been in years. This wasn’t like the direct orders she had been used to in her previous pirate faction. This was a choice.

Meredith’s voice broke the silence. “It’s up to you, Ceri. If you want to stay and help us build up the passenger service, you’ll learn a lot about trade, influence, and running legitimate operations. But...” He gave her an encouraging nod. “If you want to see another side of this, maybe learn a few new tricks, Ryuko and Tara’s operation could show you something different.”

Ceri looked back at Tara, whose steady gaze seemed to say more than her words had. She could tell that whatever Tara and Ryuko had planned was far more than a simple raid or business trip between systems. There was something deeper going on, something she still didn’t fully understand—but maybe, just maybe, that was the point.
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