Logbook entry

State of the Legion: Legion Anniversary Articles

28 May 2020Extremofire
Article from "State of the Legion", internal Lavigny's Legion newsletter. 25-28 May, 3306.

Preparations Underway for Fifth Anniversary of Legion's Opening

On 28 May, 3301, the former 528th Legion of the Imperial Navy broke centuries of tradition, but in a way that precipitated massive changes in their systems. Formerly, Lavigny’s Legion was conservatively Imperial in that no more than 411 Legionnaires of direct Legion blood relation could be of active service. But on this day, they released this restriction and opened their doors to the general Imperial pilot body, perceiving a need to bolster their forces following the shocking assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval, father of Emperor Lavigny-Duval.

Now, the number of active Legionnaires in the Legion number over one thousand, led by eleven Centurions. The governance of the Legion has expanded from the oversight of some 85,000 Legion descendants to a legitimate government of over 24 billion Imperial citizens. We have not seen more prosperous times.

Many OCOR citizens have been stationed in Aeneas, New Carthage to prepare events to commemorate this anniversary. A number of off-world celebrations has been announced by Praetor Valyn Arvis, but there is an excited everpresence of activity in the capital city.

Stay tuned for more updates on anniversary planning.


Celebrations Begin in Downtown Aeneas

Happy opening anniversary, Legionnaires!

At midnight on Aeneas, the Caeruleus District kicked off celebrations at Veneto Square. Hundreds of attendees joined their friends and families for a night of hearty drinking, games, food, and dance.

Centurion Tesla Washington, head of security at Marker Depot, was spotted having fun with her colleagues in the Forum. "It's really nice to take a step back from all the work we do at the Office of Civil Operations and Relations," Washington commented. "Nat here's been putting in many hours of flight time. I don't think he's been planetside for weeks."

Turning to Quaestor Natovsky "Nat" Rhodes, our reporter asked what he had planned for the rest of the night's festivities. Leaning forward, he yelled, "Celebrating enjoying another great year with some the best friends I've ever made in life." Turning around, he addressed the immediate crowd. "Rounds for everyone!"

While festivities in Caeruleus are finishing for the morning, the next major event is set to begin in five hours at the shoreside Recreation Center, with a Ball.


This Logbook will be continuously updated throughout 28 May.

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