Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 8.6.3304

Ship's log: star date-- 8.6.3304 I've been hunting thargoid scouts in the Kamadhenu system for a few days now. I finally ran into my first interceptor in a nearby system, and I say first because its the first time I've actually gotten to fire back at one. Studying its flight patterns and tactics while fighting it and its thargon swarm was a very interesting thing. these definitely are not just mindless bugs that want to destroy us. The more I see of them the more I am convinced of the rumors that the media has been manipulating the information that we receive. I mean obviously yeah they do that, but the galactic community as a whole claims these creatures to be mindless aggressors and bugs on a hive mind. Yet they are capable of restraint, higher thinking, and advanced tactics. There is yet more to learn... While in other news, my ship was destroyed today twice by a few traitorous freelancers. Two of them served the federation but the third served the empire. I am all for the cooperation of powers for the greater good but this was a handful of traitors that were killing their own kind. Under the banner of stopping the hunting of the "bugs" while they were making a profit off every ship they killed. Bloody traitorous pirates. Over the time that I have been here, I have been losing a great deal of money for the sake of defending this system. I usually work for the Federation but this is just a matter of defending humans. I don't care what banner they live under, nobody deserves the horrors of a thargoid attack.....well at least no "civilians..." Anyways, time to get back to work. There seem to be an endless number of these scouts but I will not back down. Zed out.
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