Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 8.13.3304

Ship's log: star date-- 8.13.3304 Finally taking a break to record another one of these logs. I have spent the past several days finally rebuilding my fleet. As I think I mentioned in another log, recently due to some trouble, I was reduced to one ship that I poured all I had into. However, with the help of my new friends, I have been earning my money back and then some. So I finally rebuilt my fleet even better than before! Now I am up to five ships! All of them fully outfitted and ready to go. Man I am tired but this is a good feeling. Now I need more funding so I can keep going. But I'm going to take a break and go meet some more engineers. Now that I have ships again I will be needed engineer friends to work on them. Hmmm I feel like I'm forgetting to say something that was important..... OH! That's right! I had an interesting trip over to "Guardian space" where I was investigating some of the sites left behind. The sentinels there are not usually too bad of a problem for me, but this time it was different. I don't know how or why, but two of them in the middle of fighting turned and left the site to travel about 1.7 km out towards where I had left my ship parked! They started firing upon it when I was still in my SRV! I panicked but I was able to kill them and at that point I decided I'd have to come back another time. So I went home back to Serebrov. That was a weird thing that has never happened to me before. This will require further investigation as to the reason behind it. But as I said right now I am tired... I think it's time for me to rest. Zed out.
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