Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 9.2.3304

Ship's log: star date-- 9.2.3304 Looks like I still need to work on getting more consistent with recording these... Anyways, back to it... There is a hectic amount of activity going on lately, as I returned from the fringes of the bubble where I was upgrading my ship. It seems I have returned at the opportune time to witness and be a part of history myself! Cannon Research Group's Gnosis megaship, is preparing its drives for a jump to uncharted space that has as of yet (to my knowledge) been unreachable. I am gathering the last of the modules I will need and shipping them to the gnosis when I head over to board it myself and ride it through this jump. There are so many pilots reserving a place in this expedition. I have never before seen such a gathering! I have only heard of such things in tales told by merchants I have encountered. This shall truly be a sight to behold!

After some thought into this I have come to realize that the dangers that may be present upon the arrival to our destination. Aegis and the Pilot's Federation have both claimed that massive numbers of a new thargoid variant have been rumoured to be in that system... But we are going anyways. We can not let this chance for history pass us by! However in the old tradition of hope for the best prepare for the worst, I am recording this log as a last entry before we jump. I do not know if I will return safely, and in sound mind. But if I do, I will be proud to have been a part of history in the making. If the worst should happen, my ship's AI loaded into all my ships, will hold the location and details of my will.

To the Galactic community and to my home planet,
May the best befall us all!

--Zedakiah Massacre...out.
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