Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 4.27.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 4.27.3306 This is CMDR Zedakiah, once again ashamed of my inability to maintain steady records. Anyways, here is another log for the books. Let's see here, my last log spoke of my first attempt to reach a planet I had heard some strange rumors about. Well I did manage to make it back to the area, but upon arrival I found intense electromagnetic fields around the planet, so strong that my ship faulted and i tried to jump out. And that was the cause of my second FSD misjump in my own history. what confuses me most about those, is the distances... a slight misalignment on the jump vector and suddenly the FSD's range spikes up and hurtles you way further than you would expect. Anyways, finally having made it back, i took some time to rest by visiting my home planet for the first time in many years. I invited my cybernetics specialist to come join me there to retune and upgrade my mag-resistances.

It was strange being home again, i left my lands, my army, and my life behind on this planet, but when i returned they barely recognized me. I came to realize just how much i had changed in my time in space, more than just the physical augmentations of my 'netics. I told my old friends of the many adventures ive had, and i guess i got too caught up in catching up, that i ended up staying for a few months.

The day eventually came though, when i received a summons to come back. Back to space, back to the frontiers yet to be found, back to the reclusive group of pilots ive come to enjoy flying and working with. Once more up and into the black. Still, it was a call i could not refuse. i bid my old friends goodbye again, not knowing who i might or might not see in the future. and with an full cargo hold of my favorite drink that i can only get from my home planet, i launched and headed back to my new home in HR 6421... returning after months to Serebrov once again....i think i still owe Jack a round or two of drinks... guess ive waited long enough.

I swear one of these days i will get better at recording these logs more steadily. but for now, this one has gone on long enough.

Until next time, -Zed out
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