Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 4.28.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 4.28.3306 CMDR Zedakiah recording. Yesterday, my friend Jack requested my services for a security escort. I finally got a chance to bring him the drinks I owed him. I met up with him out on some obscure rings of another typical gas giant, or so I thought. Turns out he needed me to protect him as he mined the largest load of low temperature diamonds that I had ever personally laid eyes on! As he was mining, we negotiated my fee for this escort service, and concluded that I would receive 8 of them for myself-(a full load of my cargo hold) in addition to the trade dividend when he sells them. Such a splendid deal and we both walked away smiling like fools after returning to the station with over 150 tons of them! We agreed to go out mining together next time, which might end up being tonight.

With the profits ill be making from these miraculously blessed planetary rings, I plan on finally getting myself a proper Type 9 Heavy and ill spec it for mining. Ive rented one a few times before, but never had the money to spec it out fully and keep it. I just rented it for a quick cargo haul or some such contract. They may fly like a beluga in CQC but there is no arguing their hauling capacity.

In other news, I checked in with the pilots federation for the first time in a good long while, and found that their records hold me very close to ranking up to the next rank of combat prowess! so I plan on getting back out there after the mining is done, and putting in my due time as my bounty hunting profession requires. Perhaps I can make all that money AND rank up in one night.

That's all for now I suppose. Zed-out
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