Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 4.28.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 4.28.3306 Alright I don't usually keep up on these recordings much less record two in one night, but I forgot something that I feel I should log for the databanks.

Tonight, I will finally be testing out the newest upgrades that I have been researching and developing for several months now. My ship's AI is already more advanced than most... given that she is borderline illegal riding in a grey area, but that aside, I have finally finished (I say that with a large grain of salt) the upgrades for her, and ill be implementing them tonight. Honestly, im really excited and so is she. If these upgrades work as intended, then she will not only have a far better and stronger integration into the ship and its systems, but she will also be ready to connect to the new toys ive been trying to develop. I'm getting really close... I think ill keep the new toys a secret until they are ready though. I know that she reads these sometimes and I don't want to spoil her surprise.

They will be ready soon, and when they are... We will have a lot of fun with them.

Till next time, (hoping that means tomorrow if I remember)

-Zed out
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