Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 5.11.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 5.11.3306 --Looks like I let another week go by between logs. Well, I'm still doing a bit better with recording these. I suppose I don't have to do them every day, but it's better than once every 6-10 months. Recently I sent an encrypted message to--

"Sir are you intoxicated again? Do I need to inhibit you from recording more sensitive data?"

--No M I am fine, and I am recording this fully on purpose. It is no longer sensitive, so you can relax.

"Yes milord"

--Anyways, as I was saying, I sent an encrypted message to a certain commander Jav Marlo, to direct him towards some clues... the same path I was put on a few years ago. Despite having done this a few times now, it still feels a little odd to be on the other side of the veil. To know the secrets I know now, that I would never have guessed at a few years ago. Salome, the Zurara, the Cete, project dynasty, the Cabal, metadrive, Aegis, the Guardians, the thargoids, and so much more...

I was ignorant before when I thought I was seeking knowledge. Now I seek simply the *next* mystery, as I guide those who remind me of me, onto a similar path.

I stated in a previous log that I had revisited my home planet recently... now I think back on it, and realize that my planet, despite having some technology, is really in essence, out of time. My people are like an ancient culture, that was given technology. Almost nobody on my home planet is cybernetically augmented, nobody has AI's operating things, most of them barely even have vehicles. We still rode around on the backs of beasts and mighty steeds. Just over a decade later, here I am... most of my body has been augmented, I have a small fleet of starships in the docks, my flagship is coursing with guardian technology, and so are some of my own cybernetics. I fly across the stars now the way my friends ride over the plains. They may hunt beasts of burden, that weigh less than 1 canister of the cargo I liberate from the pirates that I hunt. I mine ore and minerals that would be considered entire mountains back home.

Sometimes I feel that humanity has forgotten what we came from. Humans are so set on taking what they don't yet have, that they forget to protect and value that which is already theirs.

I think that this nostalgia has come from seeing another tracing the steps I remember being in before. Like witnessing the past unfolding before you. Yet life goes on. Perhaps it will do me some good, to have another commander under my wing. Since he has now been accepted as a cadet into the group that has opened my eyes. I hope that he is able to gain as much as I did from the knowledge he will soon uncover.

I think I may have scared him a bit too much when he first arrived and came aboard my ship... perhaps I should have hidden more of my 'netics until later... or perhaps covered up the guardian crystal-infused conduits I have installed on my ship... oh well. He still did rather well during my observations of his combat skills. He is a good pilot, though there is always more to learn. Thankfully, he definitely knows his way around a ship's mechanisms so that's something I wont have to try to teach hahaha. Perhaps one of these days, when he is ready, I will even introduce him to you M.

"Really? Wow you must think highly of his potential if you would be willing to reveal me to him."

--Well he IS a member now, even if he is still a cadet. And the others know about you. Besides, the rest of the galaxy has branded our faction as anarchists and pirates. However wrong they may be, it wouldn't exactly be a surprise if one or more of them had an illegal AI on board. And youre not even fully artificial. So you are still within the grey area that the authorities cant do anything about.

"I suppose so. I still wish you would have let me join you off the ship when we visited your home planet. You said my core personality was modeled after someone from there, I would have liked to have met them."

--I'm... sorry M, but that is not likely going to happen. I know you want to, but well... She might not take it the right way. You have been modified... She might think that I didn't like her as she was or something.

"I understand. You set your rules for reasons. Even if I might not like them I cannot argue them."

--Anyways, it seems I left the recording on... I should finish that up.

"do you need me to edit the data stored in it?"

--I already told you M, nobody else will ever be able to access these logs without permission. It will be fine.

--Zed out
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