Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 5.14.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 5.14.3306 Commander Zedakiah checking in. I spent some more time on another trip out to guardian space, decided to be a tour guide to my new friend commander Jav. I also brought along a uh... subordinate? No he doesn't obey very well... I guess ill call him what he is... an indentured servant. The name he chooses to be called by is CLEAVE even though the records show his name is commander Shapherd. He happened to stumble into a bar he didn't know was owned and run by the faction I serve, and then bragged to the bartender about how he was 1 head away from claiming the reward for a contract hunting our members. Let's just say a few comments and a couple blades through his arm and leg later, he was pinned to the ground beneath me. I did have to respect his drive to keep fighting me though, even when he knew there was little to no chance of getting out of there alive.  

So I made him a deal. I was impressed, and he had at least earned a chance. My offer: A one on one duel with me, in our ships. If he wins, we leave him alone, and he has his last kill to claim that reward. If I win, (and he survives it) then he has to work for me from then on. He grudgingly accepted... and as you can imagine, I won. My Krait Mk2's beam laser fried his cobra mk3's shields and then scorched through his canopy. I flew over to check his status, as I noticed the canopy had blown and he had not launched an escape pod.

Turns out he was still in the pilot's seat, but... the large beam laser from my ship has vaporized his entire left arm. He sat there unconscious. So I took him back to my ship for medical attention. Later I learned that he DESIPSES cybernetic augmentation, so the prosthetic arm I gave him and the eye I gave him from the damage it took apparently just pissed him off more. That said, again I have some more respect for him. Despite all this, he has honoured our agreement and is now working for me.

So the three of us headed out to guardian space a few rotations ago, and they both returned before me. I decided to hang back a bit and gather some more salvage. My supplies were starting to run low. It still astounds me how much crystal and circuitry you can pull if you manage to dismantle a single archway.  

Anyways I returned about a rotation ago, and started working on another upgrade to my cybernetics. Mag-lev summoning. I am coding chips into my equipment, tools, and weapons, and they will be linked up to the 'netics in my hands so I can magnetically pull them to me when I activate the new upgrades. No more floating tools in zero-G and having to worry about reaching them. And next time I get thrown from my ship, I can just activate the chip in the cockpit to pull myself back to it. Man I can't wait for this to be fully implemented. My next upgrade plan is almost ready as well. My engineering specialist said he is almost done prepping the thargoid EMP-neutralizer for personal use.

Well with this latest trip, I'm starting to think that if I keep this up, soon my ship's insides will look more guardian than human in design... Not that I mind... but I really should look to see if I can find a way to change the colour the crystal circuitry emanates. The icy blue really isn't my style...

I think that should do it for now.

-Zed out
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