Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 5.20.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 5.20.3306 Alright... this is commander Zedakiah… filing another log for record... ow.

"Sir you should wait. You are still healing and should be in the med-pod. If you want I can record the--"

--No M, this is my ship and I am its commander. I will record the ship's logs myself and you know as well as I that you will not convince me otherwise.

"yes milord. my apologies. please continue"

--Anyways as I was saying, I finished installing my two new upgrades I mentioned in the last log. So naturally, I went to test them out. However that's where the problems started.

One of the upgrades I was testing is an EMP resistor. Its purpose is to protect my own cybernetics from the threat of shutdown when hit with an EMP. But the only way I had to suitably test its effectiveness, was to provoke a... a thargoid to hit me with one. Obviously it was not my brightest idea, nor my best option. But it was the purpose it was designed for so how better to test it? Turns out, that it's been a while and a good number of experimental upgrades since I last fought the buggers. I think my last sortie against them would have been the Gnosis incident... quite some time ago. Well I guess that when they scanned my ship, despite the guardian tech maskers I've had built into the ship to disguise the heavy augmentation from their scans, I guess I now have enough guardian tech in my own body that I registered as a threat to them... They weren't happy about that. I am lucky that my Krait recently got some more armour upgrades because I barely made it out of there on about 20% hull with shields down.

I was stupid. I didn't even consider the idea that I'd need maskers for my own 'netics. Heh heh heh… I guess my wish for finding a peaceful way to negotiate with them will now be lost to me at least... even if I could manage to communicate effectively with them, they'd never let me close now. Not that I guess it ever really mattered... I've massacred enough of them I'd be surprised if they don't know me by now...

...I guess I still live up to that name they gave me back home... oh well. Thanks to the merchants that took me off my home planet, my nickname from there was permanently branded onto me by my records... I shall now and forever remain, The Massacre...

Back to the research though, despite unforeseen complications, the tests themselves were a complete success. The resistor worked perfectly, and so did the mag-lev-summoning. I guess the next step will be calibrating some maskers for all my 'netics… ugh that means I'll have to do a full inventory again... I've had too many additions since the last updated list... *sigh* well better get to it. I'll record that on a separate log to send to my specialist. So that means that's it for this one.

-Zed out
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