Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 5.20.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 5.20.3306  Commander Zedakiah Massacre, recording for medical and engineering data log.

M, set the recording controls to accept the medical pod's auditory scan feedback as recordable data.

"Yes sir... settings confirmed. Ready to record"

Purpose of log is to update the inventory list of all cybernetic and other modifications on or in my current soma.

*"medical full scan ready commander. please initiate."*

Initiate scan.

List all modifications.
-Neural plasticity mod
-Integrated comms link
-retinal displays
-eye-lens polarization (sunglass mod)
-sub-vocalization implant (communicate silently)
-Smart-vision (highlights hostile entities among other functions)
-Flash and concussion suppressant
-Poison scrubbers (inhalant and digestive)
-Respiratory system enhancement
-integrated guardian crystal heart enhancement and power core circuitry
-full spine replacement
-poison scrubbers
-drone dock on upper right back (retractable covering plate for concealment)
-stomach and liver fully replaced
-Carbon nanotubing bone reinforcement on ribs and all other remaining skeletal structure
-Tungsten-titanium alloy sub-skin surface plating (all remaining areas)
-high-powered titanium servos
-high power recoil shock absorbers
-integrated drone control circuitry
-Miniaturized guardian gauss cannon (retractable)
-wrist controlled plasma shield (one way)
-remote hacking uplink device
-mag-lev summoning control chip
-AED charger
-high powered titanium servos
-integrated micro-assembler (cartridge fed)
-launchable retractable carbon nanolaminate blade with remote detonation charges inside
-guardian crystal latticework circuitry for tesla charger
-mag-lev summoning control chip
-retractable knuckle spikes
-double armour reinforcement plating
-datapad integration uplink
-high powered titanium servos
-high powered recoil shock absorbers
-guardian crystal circuitry integrated
-built in retractable compartments on thighs and calves
-magnetic sheath holstering on hips

*"Scan complete. All modifications recorded. Inventory updated."*

Alright, M send a copy of that list to our friend, and make sure he knows he better have those maskers ready next time we arrive...What is our current supply of synthetic skin spray canisters?

"we are down to 3 remaining milord."

GEEZ! WHAT?! that's not even enough to cover one full body! Crap I am going to need more immediately. I had to de-skin for the scan. Send in an order for 50 canisters to the nearest market in the station...and arrange for them to be delivered to the landing pad. But tell them I'll handle the loading myself. Anyways that should do it for now. Oh! One last thing! Tell our friend that I'll need another backup remlock and outfit to be specialized for fitting the 'netics. I'll be sending them to him right away.

"Understood milord. Anything else?"

No M that will be all. Thank you. Now lets end this recording.

-Zed out
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