Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 6.2.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 6.2.3306 Commander Zedakiah, checking in. I've been in a system neighboring the system I call my current home base for a few days now. It seems the organization I serve wishes to withdraw from all systems except our home system. Not entirely sure why the sudden jump back to the shadows, but I don't think I really care enough to bother asking.

To aid in this effort. . . *heavy sigh* I have been ordered to... fire upon our own faction's ships.

The action disgusts me, but the higher ups have said that the faction branch for the system in question has splintered off and wandered from our overall path. Where I come from this is known as going rogue. Also known as treason. Perhaps that has something to do with why we are withdrawing support from them. But still, firing upon our own ships to force them to lose a war... that's just... it feels wrong. I don't know why I keep going back. At least they never ordered me to finish off the pilots in their escape pods. I have been collecting them actually as many as I can, and taking them back to the nearest system. Of course I cant exactly enter the station with prisoners of war and plan to set them free... plus they would see the faction emblem on my ship. so I just drop their pods off near the station and leave them for the station security to pick up.

Anyways, today during one of the many skirmishes it seems I had my canopy blow out again... fortunately with my cybernetics, advanced life support, and my specialized remlock, this is not a major problem. I finished off the entire wing of 3 that was attacking me, and then proceeded to the nearest station for repairs. Still, I figured I might as well take a break from the wars. I could use a change of scenery, and I haven't actually done freelance missions in quite some time. I should find a quiet batch of systems to run courier missions for or perhaps some minor quick cargo hauls. Hmmmm this batch over here in imperial space looks fine.

"Course set for Aztlan system. Population 25 million. Controlling power, A. Lavigny-Duval. Tannhauser Gate."

Well, at least I know the station will have some nicer facilities. one can always count on the empire for lavish design and well funded facilities...

I think I might have my cybernetics specialist actually meet me here... I took some rather decent damage when my canopy was not there to protect me... bloody space debris. You forget its a thing sometimes because the shields always protect from it. But when the shields and the canopy are both gone, high velocity shrapnel is a pain. Thankfully most of it hit my arms and legs so they just need some tune-ups and minor repairs.

"Milord, cross-referencing data shows that you have received a transmission from this station before. I believe you may want to be aware that your reputation may have spread here. Best be careful wandering around."

Very well. Thank you M.... Where is my cloak? Wait nevermind I found it. Alright you can fly us there then M. I'm going to go and get some things ready in my quarters. Alert me when we arrive. Thanks!

"As you wish milord. Spooling FSD now."

Might as well end the recording there then.

-Zed out
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