Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 6.11.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 6.11.3306 Commander Zedakiah checking in... M... bring up the data you've compiled. I am putting this on my own records for this recording. oh and lockdown the ship and tint the windows... you know the drill.

"yes sir... ship secured displaying data on holoscreens now"

Alright... so let's get this going. I have come across some rather interesting information due to the news that I happened to stumble across while I was docked for a short while in the Aztlan system. This apparently famous "CMDR Maggie Oz" mentioned something about a piece of tech. Apparently Generational clones have a special cybernetic implant called an EBU Engramic Backup Unit... and this implant is dang near indestructible. Sounds a little too good to be true almost, but after a few hacks into the right imperial data networks, it seems I've found enough information to confirm the tech exists. There are some limitations to them of course, namely that they cant be accessed easily by the one they are implanted in while the bearer is alive still... I'll have to find a way around that after I get my hands on a few of them... which leads to my next point.

I need to acquire some... I need several for experimentation and research. But that's where the problems arise. I learned that imperial laws are strict about the passing on of wealth and property not being allowed for GC's with EBU's. And lets just say, that I am not a fan of that. So I can't just buy them legally. I worked for the things I have, I don't want to give them up if I'm still able to be here. So the only way unfortunately to get EBU's by the handful without them being traced to me specifically, and thus being able to avoid the transference laws of the empire... means I am going to have to steal them or purchase them illegally either way.

So thanks to M's latest upgrades to her hacking abilities, we have been able to intercept vast amounts of communications across various relays in imperial space. I have located a supply of them that I believe can suit my purposes but now the question at hand is "how best to acquire them?"

I would prefer to handle this matter with as little violence as possible... violence draws attention, and attention is unwanted for my research to continue undisturbed. I'll have to set something up... perhaps an encoded transmission including an advance of payment for them, will be able to persuade them to dead-drop the cargo at a location I mark... Thankfully due to the durable nature of the EBU's I could just have them jettison a cargo canister holding them to the location. It would mean less risk for them, and they would probably be more comfortable with that... yeah let's work on that idea.

M! Prep an encoded transmission, to be sent to whichever commander ends up with the cargo. Also get a funds transfer ready and secured for untraceable payment.

"yes milord."

I think that should do it for this log...

-Zed out
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