Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 6.26.3306

(the format of this log is going to be a bit different to offer some more detail to the events happening during its recording. for more background context on what is happening, please read my recent logs, as well as the last log of CMDR Shapherd.)

Ship's log: star date-- 6.26.3306  Commander Zedakiah checking in. Finally back home on Serebrov Terminal, and back aboard my Krait Mk2. The anaconda is in the shipyard docks getting refitted back to its former glory. Those spikes and raider paints are far too barbaric for my tastes. Here we have the devices I secured and the analysis has been going well so far. I believe I can see a few areas that can easily be improved upon with hybridization of guardian crystal... so I plan to get started on that shortly.

"Milord, commander Shapherd appears to be approaching the ship... at an alarming gait."

Ah for the love of... what does that brute want now? Lower the cargo ramp. Let's find out what he wants. I'm going to continue working on this device though.

"As you wish milord."

*ramp lowers as Shapherd approaches*

*boarding the ship's cargo bay as the ramp lowers, Shapherd glances over towards the empty canister noting its imperial insignia and the label marking its contents as "medical diagnostic equipment"*
"The final nail in your coffin..."
*approaching to roughly 10 feet away from Zedakiah's back, Shapherd draws his own sword and glares with rage burning in his eyes*
"Turn and face me pirate filth!"

*letting out a long and obviously exaggerated sigh, Zedakiah sets down the device on the workbench, and turns to Shapherd. Noticing the sword drawn, a faint smirk crosses his lips. Gesturing to the drawn weapon,*
"Ah so I see you have decided you want more upgrades? Why else would you be begging for another round?"
*the grin widens*

*at the word of "upgrades" Shapherd's cybernetic left arm and left eye react. the arm tensing up as his optic begins to glow faintly. His grip tightens on the sword handle, as the memory flashes through his mind of how Zedakiah forced these cybernetics onto him after their last fight.*
"Draw your sword and fight me. Unless you're even less of a man than you look"

*the grin now leaving his face, Zedakiah shows only contempt*
"You have a long way to go before you are worth of provoking my blade to be drawn against you. So for now, this shall have to suffice"
*Zedakiah clenches his right fist and lowers his wrist as a carbon nano-laminate blade protrudes from the wrist joint and begins to faintly glow along the edges of the blade. His stance does not change though, still half slouched standing as if completely relaxed*

"Then let's test that theory!"
*Roaring with zealous fury, Shapherd leaps at Zedakiah with surprising speed, who begins deftly deflecting blows and sidestepping large arcing slashes. As the speed of Shapherd's attacks increase however, Zed's brow begins to furrow as he puts more effort into blocks. After many exchanges, Zed draws a thin cut across Shapherd's right arm, causing him to instinctively swap his weapon's grip to his cybernetic left arm. Not accounting for the added power of the augmented arm, Zed's next block slips just a bit too low as Shapherd's downward cut embeds his blade 3 inches down into Zed's collar on his right side. In this moment, time seems to freeze for both Zed and Shapherd, as Shapherd sees not blood, but sparks and circuitry from the wound beneath his blade. Before he can remove it, he glances dead into Zed's eyes and sees a look Zed has never given him before... Panic...which quickly turns to dreadful rage as Zed's left arm flips out the gauss cannon in pulse mode and raises quickly to just in front of Shapherd's face before discharging. Shapherd is launched back and slams against the wall of the cargo bay as Zedakiah removes the sword from his own shoulder.*

*Approaching the slumped Shapherd who is struggling to maintain consciousness, Zedakiah takes on another new emotion... as his eyes begin to faintly glow with an icy blue light. When his mouth opens, he speaks with an odd and chilling faint metallic echo in his voice*

"You will never be OUR end... and for this you will suffer."

*as consciousness begins to fade from Shapherd, he utters one last distorted dry coughing laugh as the corners of his mouth turn upwards... on what is left of his face.*


This encounter was a blast to write alongside CMDR Shapherd who is a close friend of mine. We have been looking forward to this confrontation for a while and I am glad we could finally write it. We shall see what becomes of Shapherd's body and how much augmentation i put him through later... and what was that at the end in Zed's voice? heh heh heh... secrets. Thank you all who read these and toss us shinies. The support is wonderful and we are glad to be able to write a story that others enjoy.

Till next time,
-Zed out
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