Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 7.15.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 7.15.3306 This is commander Zedakiah's crew pilot Mavis Whitehead. After much debate the ship's rather protective AI has finally authorized me access to the recording device for the ship. Under her supervision I have placed the commander known as CLEAVE into a stasis pod to keep him stable, yet that option was not working for Zed... I guess I should rewind a bit. I arrived at the Night's Edge a few weeks ago wondering why I had not been informed of my commander's return to the docks, only to find both Zed AND CLEAVE unconscious in the cargo bay when I lowered the ramp. CLEAVE looked as though more than half of his face had been burned away. And given his history with my commander, and the fact that I found Zed with his arm-gauss cannon flipped out in wide-pulse mode, I am presuming that there was a point blank shot fired. Anyways, I quickly put CLEAVE into a stasis medical pod to stabilize him, but when I returned to Zed, I noticed that the traces within the edges of his cybernetics were oddly glowing with a faint icy blue. I have seen his cybernetics before plenty of times, but I have never seen them doing that. What's more is when I tried to wake him, his eyes only flashed open for a moment and I saw the pupils glowing with the same light. It startled me and I jumped back away. I think my scream alerted the ship's AI because next thing I knew, the ramp was raised, the ship locked down, and a voice was ringing throughout the ship. Once I had explained myself and asked what had happened, I had M help me prepare a second medical pod for Zed. However, as soon as it closed around him and started trying to scan him the pod malfunctioned as his cybernetics surged and that same blue light shot through the med-pod frying it entirely.

So now here we are, many systems away, at some strange location that M still won't tell me why we are at. All she is saying is that there is someone on this planet that SHE trusts to help Lord Zedakiah. You know M, I have been fighting alongside him for a few years now as a steady co-pilot. I dare say I believe I have earned some trust by now. I care about him too. And I don't just mean because he is paying my wages. I have pulled him out of more than a few scrapes and you know it.

I have already told you Mavis, I am sorry for being disrespectful but I was beyond panicked. You are trusted. Just not with everything. Milord plays many secrets very VERY close to his chest. There are even plenty of things he keeps secret from ME. I did not mean to imply you were unworthy of our trust or respect. I simply have caution protocols I must observe whenever anything happens to him. And this situation is unprecedented...at least..... since we left his home world... crap I shouldn't have said that...

Wait WHAT?! Something like THIS has happened to him before?! Why didn't you say anything sooner?! You already know what this is don't you?! Why cant you just tell me how you fixed him before?!

BECAUSE I WASNT THERE! ... I ..... oh he is going to hate me when he wakes up... but fine you deserve answers. Last time it was not caused by... technology. On his home world there are alternative options. So I know it is not the exact same because the circumstances are all wrong. The only reason I drew any similarities, is because of what I can feel going on in his head right now. Due to his heavy cybernetics, his mind is actually partially integrated with my core program. Meaning in your language, that we are effectively telepathically linked. I can speak directly to his mind and he has trained himself to do the same in reply. But right now, I can't reach him... because something else is blocking me. I don't know what it is but I can't get past it to him so I have decided to take him to the one person I know that might be able to help.

..............I ......I had no idea. I ......now I am just left with so many more questions... but I don't even know if I can process what you just told me now.  Screw it. I can ask him for answers when we wake him up. For now that is all that matters. He needs to wake back up. It's been weeks. Also according to the logs here, he has some very important things he needs to do... So what do we do now that we have reached this friend of his?

WE do nothing. I must go and see him and inform him of the situation. He doesn't like surprise visitors. So please, just stay here and guard our ship. I will take care of milord.


*a small black drone pops out from a wall panel and the panel that Zed had been strapped to floats up and follows behind the drone as it leaves once the ship has landed*
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