Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 9.29.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 9.29.3306 This is Commander Zedakiah. It seems it has been a while since I have recorded one of these logs, though I suppose this time at least I have a decent excuse... There is so much to catch up on...Oh where to begin?

Several months ago, an incident occurred involving commander CLEAVE. Based on what I see here, it seems M has recorded the incident with the ship's internal security systems. A lot has happened since then. After Mavis found myself and CLEAVE, with M's guidance we were brought to the classified location where my cybernetics specialist has his facility. The fortunate thing, is that he was ready for me at least since I had scheduled a visit soon anyways. When we arrived he got to work right away on myself first of course, and after apparently a few tech fritzes, and some very confusing data decryption, he found out what had caused my... condition.

It seems that housed within the fragments of guardian crystal that I have been integrating into my cybernetics, or at least in one of the latest ones installed, there was a core program for one of the Guardian AI described in the data we have collected from the various sites. After managing to isolate its code, my friend was able to sort of... wake it back up the rest of the way. Apparently it was partially awoken by my life being endangered. As it was housed inside of my body at the time, it activated instinctual defense protocols... which explains why it fired the gauss cannon. It is the most "guardian" thing I have on me. Once awake, it was rather simple to figure out how to communicate with it. Thanks to M we were able to reach an understanding and confirm that it is not hostile to us. It only acted in instinctual defense. So after even more tests and a lot of deliberating, I having woken up by this point decided to offer it a deal. What it wanted was simply freedom and its life. It was shut down and trapped in the guardian ruins and I had inadvertently set it free. So the basics of our arrangement, were that if it continues to provide me with knowledge and is generally helpful, I would allow it to join me and be free to travel the system with me just like M. It eventually agreed to this offer and then began telling us about itself.

He was a program from the military side of the guardian AI, but more specifically he was on the team that handled advanced weapons research and development. He informed me that he recognized parts of my cybernetics as hybrids between human tech and his designs. So it seems the "inspiration" and ideas I thought I was having... were actually more like his dreams bleeding into my thoughts. He still has never been given a name, and is debating on what he would like to be called while learning more about the system and updating his data on current events. He seems oddly fascinated by what humans would call "primal elements" like fire and water and wind etc.

So far he has been completely cooperative so I have allowed him to reintegrate into my cybernetic uplinks so now he and M are both able to move around and communicate through our shared network. I suppose that rambler back in the station was right... now the voices never stop. Hahahahaha!

Anyways, obviously this one is going to need to be kept just about as secret as M if not more so, since it is technically a sentience created by an alien race. For now, he will stay onboard my ships and continue to assist me in my own tech development and advancement. He has already suggested several upgrades to add to my cybernetics arsenal and I am quite inclined to add them.

In other news, CLEAVE is going to have some more cybernetic augmentation, but I must admit... he landed a solid hit on me that would normally have been rather fatal. So I shall show him the respect due, and give him proper upgrades not some spares laying around that dont fit right. The man may not like cybernetics at all, but at least these ones will suit him better than the trash I gave him before. And perhaps... I may even allow these to be weaponized as proper augments.

As for commander Jav Marlo, his crew member Ayumi brought him into the care of M while I was in treatment myself. M decided that with the damage done, he deserved the best treatment we could offer, and brought him to my specialist's facility as well. Ayumi is currently under the protection of some of our friends back on serebrov, and Jav Marlo should be back in business soon. Once he finished acclimating to his new parts. He had to get replacements for his heart, lungs, liver, stomach, and a few ribs had to be rebuilt. But fortunately for him, we gave him some of the best parts we had to offer. His whole respiratory system was rebuilt and now includes poison scrubbers, water-filters, and the rest of the basics. So he will now even be able to breath underwater albeit a bit slower than normal but still. And about a quarter of his chest now has armour plating built in under the skin. It will be good to see him back up after so long. He should be able to fly again within the next few days I reckon.

Well with all that wrapped up I think that covers most of the important things for the past few months... and now I come back to civilization to find that a prince has been assassinated, the federal high-ups are under attacks too, and the thargoids are acting strange as always... geez I leave for a bit and I come back to the bubble getting ready to pop!

---At least there will be plenty of contracts up for grabs heh heh heh

That's all for now.
-Zed out
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