Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 10.12.3306

Ship's log: star date-- 10.12.3306 Commander Zedakiah checking in. Over the past two weeks since I got out of treatment and returned to the land of the living, we have been hard at work. Very hard at work in fact, so much so that we have gotten more done in these past two weeks than I used to get done in two months. Where to start? RIGHT! The newest member of my crew, the guardian military AI has finally decided on a name that he wishes to be called in our language. I noted before that he seemed fascinated by what humans would call "primal elements" and as such, the name he has decided on claiming is:


Kind of ironically poetic in a way... well anyways from here on out that is going to be his name. He has been a great big help already to my crew in so many ways since he woke up fully. I've designed several new upgrades to my 'netics with his input and he has also been directing my efforts in gathering materials for some more experiments as well as massive improvements to my already very heavy engineering. Both to the ships in my fleet, and my own 'netics as well.

So far we have also helped out Liz Ryder in her war against the Empire... my home planet may be in the edges of imperial space, but I hold no love for the Empire when they behave like the corrupt tyrants we have been seeing as of late. I mean, the Federation and Alliance are not much better either, but oh well. After the enormous amounts of combat we went through in that war, we took some time to scavenge through the debris fields of the ships we had destroyed. We even salvaged quite a bit of debris from the... what maybe twenty? Majestic class Interdictors that we sent running back to Achenar. Pfft bloody overrated cruise-liners with a few guns. Well all of that debris provided us with plenty of manufactured materials and scrap parts so next we went to this nice little system I found a while back with around twenty geological surface sites of volcanic activity. Mining in an SRV there for a few rotations gave us all the raw minerals and materials we needed for our next batch of experiments. Now we are onto the data hunt. It takes a while but sitting outside of heavily trafficked areas with scanners should eventually do the trick.

After we are all done with the data grind, the next stop is finally heading back out to Guardian space! I have found myself running desperately low on guardian tech and crystal components for all our many designs. So the plan is to stay out there for a longer than normal this time and take the time to gather up plenty of excess of everything we can.

With Snowfire on the team now, our tech designs and our weapons capabilities have been ramping up faster than normal. Which of course makes me ecstatic and eager to try everything out.

M says that I have become slightly more manic than I was before but I have no idea as to what she is referring. I'm at least 97.263% sure that I am behaving the exact same as I was before meeting Snowfire. Her accusations are clearly without solid basis. I think I am doing absolutely great for someone who just unlocked immortality for himself and then made a symbiotic deal with an alien life form to trade knowledge. I don't see what she is so worried about. Perhaps she is just becoming paranoid... hmm do I need to adjust her memory settings? Perhaps her personality matrix?

EXCUSE ME SIR?! What did you just say?

Oh M I didn't realize you were listening! I was just joking to myself. I would never alter your memories! You are far to important and I respect you far too much for that. Anyways I'll be in the cargo bay at my research station. Let me know when you need me next! *Zed's footsteps fade away*

Clearly there is something wrong with him. He seems to have begun rambling and forgot that he was even recording a log... Ugh well I guess I will have to figure this out and save him AGAIN.

End recording.
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