Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 5.29.3307

Ship's log: star date-- 5.29.3307 ... It seems I went and did it again... forgetting to check into my logs regularly. Gosh has it really been 7 months? Where to being... ah right!

Commander Zedakiah Massacre, checking in for the first log in 7 months. Let's see here... since the last log, ah we have integrated 7 new guardian hybrid tech upgrades into my primary flagship the Night's Edge. All in all we boosted the engines a bit as well as increased the power supply and the comms network. My newest crew member SNOWFIRE has been immeasurably helpful in these upgrades, especially the comms network. It has been a great deal of effort, but with his help I have been creating uplink access points on the various guardian beacons that are used as part of their ancient FTL communications network. We have to visit each site and beacon individually, so we are far from done with the effort, but once we go to each site we setup a sort of "human tech integration access port" that allows my ship to make use of their network. Not quite sure what we will do with it yet, since we will likely be the only ones using it for now, but it is nice to have it nonetheless.

I have also added a few more upgrades to my own 'netics since the last log. Including but not limited to, adding a beefy arc cutter function to my right hand. I added a bit of guardian crystal circuitry to my new EBU which has successfully been modified so that I will be able to access and edit its data without removing the device from myself... or dying. So that has now been fully integrated as well. A few upgrades to M's disc drones that mount in the dock on the back of my right shoulder. And an upgraded personal shield module.

Hmm what else to catch up on? We have been participating in so many wars recently in addition to our own projects... The days, weeks, and months have all blurred together. But after so long travelling across the bubble, we finally returned to our home on Serebrov Terminal and I must say, it is good to be back.

OH! Commander Jav Marlo's recovery with his new 'netics has been quite successful. Wow that information seems so overdue to report it now. Commander Shapherd AKA CLEAVE has responded well to his new 'netics as well... well.... as good as can be expected from the brute. I have allowed his 'netics to be weaponized but only with somewhat simple equipment.

A few last things to update: I have been hard at the materials grind for items needed for my projects, which leads me to my last thing for this log.

I have made the decision to finally start my own corporation. I've registered it with the Pilot's Federation as a Squadron, but I will also be making and developing my hybrid 'netics and weapons tech for sale in small scale private transactions. At least for now it will be kept small. But now I need to search for some more willing recruits that would be interested in joining my "squadron" Its name is "The Parabellum Corporation" Tag TPCO.

I guess we will see if anyone comes knocking on our door at Serebrov Terminal. I also have posted in the public INARA relay near Serebrov that I am recruiting... so perhaps some pilots will send us a transmission through there. Make sure you stay on top of that chatter M!

"Of course milord. Is there anything else? Please remember that you signed on for another engagement in Jitabos in 35 minutes."

Ah right. Another battle to fight. Well at least they have upped the average pay for combat bonds. Very well! Let's double check the inventory and get prepped. Landing gear up in 5 minutes!

I guess that means this is the end for this log. I should get myself prepped now.

-Zed out
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