Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 5.31.3307

Ship's log: star date-- 5.31.3307 Commander Zedakiah checking in again... trying to stay on top of these recording logs once again. Today was quite eventful in an odd way. I happened to find myself passing by the area of the bubble where the pilots federation academy is and decided to stop on by for a visit of sorts. I met a handful of new pilots that are eager to get their graduate promotion to Commander and take to the bubble. I tend to on occasion, enjoy assisting new pilots in their endeavors, or taking some under my wing so to speak, and it seems today I found several such eager apprentices-to-be. In addition, one freshly promoted Commander decided to ask me to train him as well, so I have agreed. It seems I might just be able to take a bit of a break from the hard wars I have been fighting the past several weeks. This should be a nice change of pace...

No Snowfire sorry but I don't think it is a good idea for you to meet others just yet. Humanity tends to not respond well to that which they do not understand. And you are quite misunderstood I'm sure. Sorry.

Ah where was I? Ah yes, the one that has already graduated has come with me on board my Anacond, Hgarm-Sverd, back to Serebrov Terminal. We will be heading out for some proper training, as well as shopping once he earns some more coins tomorrow.

In other news, I have begun work designing my next Guardian hybrid weapon for personal use. And just *MAYBE* I might sell some as weapons once they are prototyped.
I am going to keep the details on that one to myself until the tests bear some fruit.

Anyways, not much else to report. I just have to keep up the logs regularly so I don't forget again for another couple months

Well, guess that wraps it up for this log,

-Zed out
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