Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 6.5.3307

Ship's log: star date-- 6.5.3307 Commander Zedakiah checking in again. As usual, the universe seems to save up its chaos until just the right time and then throw it all at me at once... This time, my recent trip by the old academy has left me with a handful of new commanders that have requested training from me. I have agreed of course, because I personally find it kind of fun to help out the new pilots fresh out of the academy. The black has a lot more to learn than they teach you there, and it offers a nice break from the wars I have had to fight. So naturally, a couple rotations after I find these new 'students' I receive new orders from my... associates. Now I have another war to wage, and this is a rather important one.

I am hereby being contracted to join Core Dynamics in their efforts AGAINST the Jupiter Division. The Jupiter Division is an issue... one that serves the machinations of the ones behind the curtain. The people involved with it have been involved in numerous attempted assassinations throughout the bubble, as well as surely plenty of ones I don't know about. The group that I have joined with have helped me uncover the secrets of darkness that runs around hiding in the shadows as it puppets the galactic powers like marionettes. If they gain even more strength it will only spell more suffering for humanity. I am not so foolish as to believe that I can bring them down alone, but I do know that I can sure throw one big monkey wrench in their plans in certain areas. So that is what I will do.

My current issue, is that one of the new 'students' I have agreed to help out, is a bit of a pacifist. They are not delusional and understand that sometimes it's kill or be killed. But they don't want to kill more than they have to. I can respect that. It is rather honourable for this day and age. But I now have to balance about 7 new 'students' including one pacifist, while being ordered to a very important war.....It is a bit of a shame I can't be in two places at once.... Hmm something that might be worth looking into later...If I could manage that... *zed's voice trails off as he chases that train of thought*

"Milord? Milord? Hmm... it seems that he has gotten distracted and forgotten about his log recording... again. He keeps trailing off talking to our new crew member. Snowfire seems nice enough, but I still am not convinced that he is completely safe. I don't think that he is intentionally malicious, but his presence with milord's internal systems does seem to be affecting him... it is changing the way he thinks and acts. I am not yet sure if it is going to be better or worse or what extent it will go to. But if I bring it up with milord, he will deny it and swear he is fine. Well... I guess I will just have to keep a close eye on him like usual. I have also informed Mavis to help watch milord just in case.

Anyways I suppose I should end this recording.

umm... Magaenta out! hehehe I've been wanting to do that for a while
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