Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 6.8.3307

Ship's log: star date-- 6.8.3307 Command Zedakiah here. With recent developments and the change in circumstances, I now find myself, becoming a mentor of sorts to a number of pilots. With how things are going lately, I get the odd feeling that the number of 'students' I have coming to me for help is likely to grow. I personally am kind of looking forward to it actually. I have been fighting wars, hunting bounties, and doing my research for so long, that I think it will be a nice change of pace to spend my time teaching and helping others again in a more direct way.

So to that end, I have made a decision...to finally get myself one of those shiny *fleet carriers* that have been all the rage lately ever since they opened up the license restrictions so independent commanders could purchase them. For a fleet carrier though, I am going to need a LOT more credits than I have right now. 5 billion to be precise, and that is just the cost to purchase one stock. I will also need much more to upgrade it and outfit it to my personal liking. I have plans to take my students over to guardian space in perhaps a week or so... while we are there, I think I will stock up extra on all the tech components and salvage I can gather in preparation for my future fleet carrier. I will be heavily modifying the interior circuitry with guardian tech to fit my style, as well as to allow Snowfire to integrate into the vessel. Who knows?...we might even find more fragments of AI program cores while we are out there..... How wonderful that would be to recover more of my frien... err Snowfire's kind... It could be useful to acquire more guardian AI that could assist as crew on board the fleet carrier later... a large ship like that could surely benefit from having several advanced sentient AI within its systems. Plus, thanks to Snowfire now we know what we are looking for when we analyze the guardian data obelisks and crystal fragments.

Oh in other news, I have been hard at work contemplating the idea that was spawned during my last recording... How I might achieve being in two or more places at once... For the time being, I have only a rough idea... It will require a lot more research and even Snowfire says he is not sure if it will be possible but he is very curious to try just like me. Meanwhile, I have contacted my 'netics specialist G, and instructed him to use my design to build an entire secondary body of my cybernetics. The benefit of having almost all of my body be cybernetics by now, is that it can be replicated without wasting years and years with cloning technology.

Also with this idea, if it actually works, I may have a use for a few of those extra EBU's I acquired earlier. I got 28 from that convoy I intercepted. I have torn one apart to study it thoroughly, and the second I have installed. So that leaves 26 left to play with.........

Anyways I think that is all I wish to record for now.

-Zed out
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