Logbook entry

Ship's log: star date-- 6.11.3307

"Ship secured milord, Comms channels closed and all doors sealed. Ready to record."

Ship's log: star date-- 6.11.3307 Commander Zedakiah Massacre. I have started a pair of new projects recently with my tech development. With the assistance of Snowfire, my newest crew member and fully awakened guardian military AI, I have made some astonishing breakthroughs. A while back, I managed to acquire a single cargo canister shipment of EBUs, Engrammic Backup Units. These little black boxes are used within the empire for generational clones to preserve their minds and pass them on to new bodies when their body is damaged beyond functionality. Or when they die. The shipment contained 28 EBUs when I opened up the canister. I have since managed to upgrade one of them with Guardian circuitry and modified it for my own personal use. Now that it is installed, I am capable of not only preserving my mind should I be destroyed, but I also have modified the device to allow me to access my own mind as if it were a series of data files on a hard drive. Thanks to the two AI that are housed within or connected to my personal network, I have a sufficient defense to prevent any possible attempt at hacking my EBU.

Now, I also tore one of the EBUs apart which took substantial effort I might add, for the purpose of reverse engineering and full system study. With the entire blueprints uploaded to my network, I am left with 26 EBUs remaining. Now here is where the fun begins.

I have two new current projects both of which I intend on making use of the EBUs I have remaining. For project number one... A pilot I encountered recently and have been helping to mentor lately, has made a request of me... Given the sheer amount of modification I have done to myself, I have no right to judge another on desiring modification. This pilot, Amy "Silent" Silva, has asked me to make a modification to her mind in order to give her the freedom to remove her compassion during conflicts and battle... to prevent her from freezing or choking when it comes time to kill an opponent. Now, up until a few months ago, I would have said mind alteration is dangerous. Because the easiest way is simply to wipe it all... and I don't approve of using that bloody Hexedit drug... even if I did happen to know where to get my hands on some. HOWEVER, now that I have my modified EBU design, I could make the alterations relatively easily... but it would require installing one into her head permanently. Unlike me, she is not mostly cybernetic so removing hers will result in killing her if she is not already dead. And that brings me to the other part of the request. I can make the alterations to remove the compassion and inhibitions during combat, but that alone will not really improve her capabilities. It will only remove her inhibitions. So my other idea, is when we go out to guardian space with my other new students... which we will be doing within a few rotations, Snowfire and I can search the ruins sites for any other dormant AI program cores like Snowfire. Now that we know exactly what we are looking for, and with his help, we might be able to find one or more. If I were to upload one of a soldier-type program to the modified EBU before installing it in Amy, it could take over during combat situations and help her fight. I need to run this by her of course to see if she is ok with the idea... But that is the best option I can think of for the request she made.

My second project is rather straight forward. I have decided to begin developing a way for me to be in two or more places at once. WITHOUT using telepresence holo-me projections. For this reason, I have commissioned my cybernetics specialist to fire up the forges of my assembly facility he operates, and build me 2 more full shells. entire replications of my whole body. But these ones will be 100% cybernetic. Effectively android shells. When I go out to guardian space next, I am going to have Snowfire help me hyper-analyze the specific operational data of the "beacons" that have been discovered in orbit of some planets. It is my belief and Snowfire has supported this, that such "beacons" were used as part of an FTL communications network. Relays of a sort. My intention is to attempt to replicate their effect on a tight-beam type of transmitter, and of course make them MUCH smaller. If I can manage to recreate the system function, I plan to install transceivers on a few EBUs and have them installed onto my backup shells... As well as installing one on my current body. My theory is that I will then be able to effectively remotely "possess" my other shells simultaneously from anywhere. If this works, I am sure it will take time to get used to the split streams of sensory input, so I might start with just one more, and have M or Snowfire help me as I adjust to the sensory input.

These are my current goals for research and development... I of course assume there will be issues that get in my way, but I will cross those bridges when I get to them. If this technology design works as expected, I may have to go out and acquire more EBUs to modify in a similar fashion. One thing is for sure though... I am going to be out in guardian space for a while once I head over there. I have a LOT of tech samples and guardian crystal to collect for my experiments. I also wish to find as many more dormant guardian AI cores as I can in the ruins sites.

Anyways, that should do it for the sensitive data log. M you may now release the ship lockdown and return everything to standard protocols. Thank you.

"As you wish milord. Rescinding lockdown protocols now."

-Zed out
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