Logbook entry

Back in the pilot's seat

Ship's log: star date-- 7.9.3309 recording... This is CMDR Zedakiah... *long sigh* man I really hate doing these sometimes...

"Milord, as per your instructions I had to remind you to record one even if its your first day back from vacation."

Yes yes I know... Thank you M for your diligence. Anyways, I recently took a vacation to visit my homeworld again for the first time in a while. It went rather well for about a year, then an outbreak of disease happened and the whole place was quarantined. Once I got my clearance to leave, I was roped into ferrying relief supplies for the next several months. Glad thats over now, and thankfully with very few casualties. So I decided since I was flying again, I might as well get back to my home station of Serebrov, and figures that as soon as I walked into the bar there, I got several mission alerts for bounties that needed hunting. After a bit of 'knocking off the rust' I got a narrowband message from an old friend, saying that their planet was under attack by the thargoids. I hurried over there, and let loose the entire ammo reserves of the gauss cannons. Dang bugs wont be taking anyone else from me! After the battle, I landed and checked in on my old friend, turns out somehow he ended up as an imperial governer there for a very short term...personally I'm betting someone threw the job on him when the last one died or something. I apparently left an impression on him though since he started insisting that he would come up to the stars and join me someday. I told him if he ever got up there, I would be happy to give him some pointers... well I should have kept my mouth shut because to my surprise, a while later he actually did end up getting his own ship. So while I was surprised to see the land lover in space, a promise is a promise. I am a man of my word, so when he rang me on the comms, I met up with him and started training him.

"Oh THAT'S why you suddenly placed an order with our friends to send you another full batch of fighters... I was wondering why... since you had me off ship working on that other task of yours, and snowfire running things... speaking of which it is good to be back!"

"There were no issues of note during your time away Magaenta. I am perfectly capable of operating all functions abord this vessel without assistance... though I still would like to have the roaming freedom with the drones that you are allowed to jump into."

"Well too bad those belong to me!"

Um guys, still recording my log here! Pipe down.

"Yes milord.""Yes milord."

Anyways, where were we... oh right, about that task I had you working on M, since you're back, I assume you found what I had you looking for?

"Yes milord, indeed I did... though you wont like where the intel pointed...deep in the middle of ... bug space"
*faint blueish sparks wash over zed's netics*

I see... well then I suppose it won't be such a simple retrieval mission after all... We shall need to prepare a sufficient wing of ships and possibly even call in a few ... favors. That will have to wait for a bit, but good work on locating the intel. Let's see here, anything else of importance to log down?.....where did my last log go... ah yes! MAVIS IS BACK!!! the treatments worked!... and now that she has been given the same upgrades as I got, I wont have to worry about losing her anymore. Gave her a fully upgraded EBU just like the one I had installed in my own system. And my friend that produces my backup shells has now started keeping a shell or two for her prepped for emergencies. So far no side effects have been noticable... if anything, it seems like she is actually fighting better than before, but I suppose when I first got my major netics upgrades that happened too. Anyways the important thing is we have the delight of having her back on board and healthier than ever!

Hmm anything else important coming up? I feel like I am forgetting to note something... M any ideas?

"Milord... tomorrow... your birthday?"

Oh yeah that's right... some friends of mine told me they expected me to meet them at some station bar they reserved... the whole bar. I dont know what they are thinking since due to my netics drinking does nothing for me, but hey, maybe it will be nice to actually celebrate something for a change.

With that noted, I think that's enough for today's log.

-Zed out
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