Logbook entry

Parabellum.....Prepare for WAR

Ship's log: star date-- 5.30.3310 *long sigh* Well, Commander Zedakiah Massacre here... finally bringing myself to record one of these again. Where to even begin? It has been almost a year since my last recorded log. I have been all over the place. From the usual hunting, and mercenary contracts, to my own investigations and tech development. I guess I started to let the days fade into months of the regular grind, and lost track of time... feels weird sometimes, I just blank out every now and then, and when I come to, it feels like weeks have gone by.

Recently, ... at least I think it was recently, I received a distress call from a planet that an old friend used to be the governor of... they were under thargoid siege. I was so far away, with my best combat ship refitted for other purposes at the time, so I had to get a little creative. I called in a few favors, and managed to get my hands on an early order of DeLacey's latest and greatest vessel, the Python MkII. I was glad to have a new combat ship readied for me and I took it to Jameson Memorial for the fastest tune-up I have ever ordered. While I was there though, I ran into another friend of mine by chance and when I mentioned I was about to go bug-hunting, I received a better offer. So I paid the credits right then and there for a fully war-prepped Chieftan with a full kit of bug-smashing weapons. I left the MkII there getting its tune-up, and headed out in the Chieftan as fast as possible. Sadly, by the time I made it there, the bugs' damage was already done. The entire planet's surface, flooded with clouds of caustic gas. The skies were overrun with more interceptors than I have ever seen in one place, so I fought hard. It was not enough, and in the end I was unable to even make it to the surface.

I returned to a nearby safe station furious and frankly, disappointed. Those dang bugs ruining things again... it had gone on long enough, so I reached out to some contacts, and got a connection with the Anti-Xeno Initiative. After a few messages back and forth, I received a set of spec recommendations, and some coordinates. I cleaned up my new chieftan, resupplied its ammo, and left to join them. For the next three days straight, I fought hard alongside those vets. I must say, they are some dang fine bug-killers. We tore apart those murder-flowers one after the other, travelling to spire after spire, hunting them in their own homes. Before I knew it, I had racked up quite the cache of combat bonds, recorded in my ship's computer. We all received the notification from our systems, that the Titan Hadad had entered meltdown phase. The others celebrated, as they cheered for I guess their other squadrons involved. I returned to my temporary base in Varayah. When I went to cash in my bonds, I finally processed just how much I had earned... three days..........7.7 BILLION credits... I have done a great many things and made quite the fortunes, but I have never seen that much in my account at once.

So I put in a lot of thought, to some old plans that had been left dormant...and got myself a Fleet Carrier.

I called up a lot of friends and even made one of my periodic visits to the pilot's federation academy, to scout out the new graduates. After gathering a good handful of promising recruits, I registered a new squadron name with the PF systems. EREBOS VANGUARD was born. Flagshipped by my new fleet carrier, "Scalehaven's Rest"

Sir, may I ask where that name came from? For some reason it seems familiar but I cannot process why.

Actually M, it comes from an old tavern on my homeworld. It was the name of the place my comrades and I would spend our nights after long hunts or journeys.

Oh I see. So that means it is resonating with the fragments of memories that my core was based upon.

Sir, the information you requested has been acquired and processed. I have located several sites in what the humans call "guardian space" near where you found me, that should have the necessary parts you are looking for.

Thank you Snowfire. Send the data to my personal terminal in the carrier's captain's cabin. I will review it there later.

As you wish milord.

Now where was I? Ah right, so now things have been moving rather rapidly over the past couple weeks, as I finally went and started the squadron I talked about making years ago. New squadron, new pilots being trained, new fleet carrier, new ships... and some new designs being prototyped for my 'netics. I also decided to establish some more connections amongst the engineers' community, and finally got to meet Ram Tah, among others. In a couple days, I will be jumping the carrier out to guardian space, and taking my new recruits with me to gather up tons of crystal, and fragments and materials. I am outfitting an entire fleet for heavy bug-killing, and when we are ready, I will return, to join the war once more. Next time, with my own army.

Oh and in other news, this was a bit ago now, but a very old friend who I thought long gone, was found. M discovered a signal from someone I used to know as a reporter of sorts. Commander Galuria Arrowfox. Since I already had thought her to be gone or dead, I asked my friend commander Red Talon to go investigate the signal, and to our surprise, he found her adrift in a wrecked ship but alive. He brought her back to me, and that was when he told me the bad news... looks like she was hit with a large dose of Hexedit...she has virtually no memories of who she is. Fortunately, it seems after examination that she does not have any programming in her brain from the drug, so whoever hit her with it must not have had the chance. She has been relearning things from square one, but I swear when I find out who did that, I will... *a curious double tone voice echos from zed's mouth as his netic's light up with faint blue traces* END THEIR PATHETIC EXISTENCES!!! *Zed's netic's and voice return to normal, as if he did not even notice it happened*

So to that end, I have named my new Python MkII: "Ria's Revenge" and I intend to outfit it with ALL my latest and greatest hybrid tech I can muster.

Hmm what else... I am sure I am missing some things, but oh well this one has been long enough already, and I have yet more work to do.

Oh, M you are allowed to fully upload and integrate into Scalehaven's Rest's systems, and establish your links. Snowfire, I am sorry but given that you are far more illegal, and well... guardian based, I still cant let the others find you just yet. However, you will have full access to all my new ships.

Thank you milord! I will integrate at once!
I understand milord. I will have to be satisfied with the new combat ships.

Well, I suppose that wraps up this log. Time to get back to work.

-Zed out
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