Cmdr Coolguy184102
Diplomat / Space cowboy
Registered ship name
[KULT] Holmgang
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance KULT
Overall assets
Kult of the Murder Goose
Yuri Grom

Logbook entry

In the House of Leviathan

17 May 2019Coolguy184102
"I was born and raised on Diabak 1 ya know?" I told the reporter at the ship station. "Yes Ma'am, born and raised in the heart of Novy City. I've been flying since the day I was born. I was made for this."

The reporter trailed off into questions about my childhood and what it was like on Diabak 1 growing up but I only had one thing on my mind... Task Force 13. The best fighter pilots in the galaxy were in their ranks and I was going to be one of them.

I had been through basic training for the Leviathan Scout Regiment already. Gorilla and O'Clock noticed my nack for combat flight and referred me to the task force. I was nervous when I boarded the beluga for Thompson Orbital. I could feel my pulse racing as we left Diabak 1 and raced towards the station. I had no idea what was in store for me there.

The beluga landed at Thompson and it was like basic all over again. "GET YOUR BAGS AND GET THE FUCK OFF MY BELUGA!!" I heard a voice scream from the front of the ship. I stormed through to the front of the line to be off of that ship. The screaming didn't stop but I was able to catch a name tag on the person it was coming from, Reget. The man stood 6ft 4in easy with a long red beard. "DROP YOUR BAGS AND TOE THE LINE ASSHOLES, LETS GO!" A dropped my bags, dress right dress, and ran to toe the line. As my toes reach where I was supposed to be Reget yelled "REAR ADMIRAL ON DECK!" You could hear everyone snap to attention as they stood the line, waiting for inspection by the man my home city was named for.
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