Logbook entry

CMDR Log 06142015-01

14 Jun 2015Benjeth
Flying from the laptop this week, so mouse control. With gimballed weapons in my brand-new Vulture, I thought "eh, no biggie, I can still fight. MOUSAL KOMBAT!" Found a job paying over 200,000 credits to take out 7 pirates in the local system. Buncha chumps, I thought.  First batch I found were two Anacondas, who called for reinforcements. Now, at home on my desktop with HOTAS and Voice Attack I probably wouldn't have been as concerned. Maybe. I'm still new to the Vulture after all, and she's not fully kitted yet. But still. However, things being as they are and MOUSAL KOMBAT! being a chaotic ordeal even without lasers shooting everywhere, those two pirates destroyed my Vulture in a matter seconds because the mouse had my flying in random circles before I could get control of it and attempt to escape. Pirates kept targeting my thrusters. So there went 455,000 and change down the drain for insurance.

After dusting off my pride, I decided to play it safe and hop back into my Type 6 and just trade for awhile. I have to earn back the cost of that Vulture after all...

So queue up the radio:

Space-bound and down, load 'em up and truckin'...
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︎2 Shiny!
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