Logbook entry

A New Chapter

19 Jan 2016Benjeth
The trusty ol' Type 6 has served me well, but she'd finally earned me enough credits to trade up to an Asp Explorer. Now I have a choice to fight if pirate interrupts my travels, or I can just do a fake submit and haul ass, usual-like.

The Asp sure is a beaut, though. Hauls four tons more cargo, puts up a good fight, and more maneuverable. Gotta get used to these new toys though, but that A3 fuel scoop already has a place in my heart. What a time and life saver that is! And that auto-docking computer? Ha! Oh, sure, I'm used to cowboy-ing my landings, and that's a hoot, but sometimes after a long haul I'm tired and not feeling on my A-game for a good approach and landing, so that computer saves my bacon with a nice gentle touchdown. Speakin' of bacon, I'm starving! I'm off to the canteen, catch ya later.
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