Logbook entry

Wartimes with Gregory

25 Mar 2020Soulman999
It was clear what we had to do once again for our squadron. The shipcomputer just spew out all the nasty or tasty details, take it as you wish.
It was once again time to go to war with another faction that tried to meddle in our systems affairs and caused quiet a stir while the German Space Cruisers Inc, or short GSCI tried to liberate another system around us. Actually we were about to liberate two systems at the same time, when we got the call from our stations officer Fernando at Hip 62178.
The short note read:"System under attack by rebels, requiring assistance asap"

As soon as the commanders of GSCI received this distresscall, they forwarded it to all their pilots with combatvessels. Those rebels had to be stopped right at the spot.
Gregory looked at me in fear. "Is this the day we go to war Commander?" he asked. "Yes Gregory, we need to defend our system. And you will be right on my side in the Taipan fighter"
My crewmate has not been long with me, and his combatexperience was also rather lackluster. He was no more than somewhat harmless, tho still he could hold his own. Also the Taipan was known to be able to take a beating.

We had just fitted a new shiny, green painted Taipan in the Corvette. I always wanted to offer Gregory a seat at the helm of my beloved Corvette, but first he would need to proof himself inside the fighter.
The ships computer lit up when the Corvette arrived in the system. One of the GSCI wings has been waiting on our arrival already and straight up invited us to join them in glorious battle for the systems control.
The friendly other commanders awaited patiently at the local starhub to pick up a wingmission at the missionbroker.
Ah yes....one of those infamous massacre missions. While I was choosing my mission, I received 3 other massacre missions the other commanders had chosen. All in all we had to take out around 200 enemy ships without getting blowup ourselves.
Tho it looked god for us. Our wing consisted of 2 Federal Corvettes, a Mamba and an chunky T10 Gunship. Besides the Mamba, all ships were also fitted with shiplaunched fighters and a buttload of engineered weapons. We would show those invaders no quarter and no mercy.

Never so far had Gregory seen such a wing beeing assembled in a single starport. He could wave the other commanders from the bridge of our Corvette. He really had an uplifting spirit to him and could not await to bring glory to the GSCI in his polished, green Taipan.
The station crews were just finished with refuelling the ship, restocking the rockets and multicannon ammunitions and were now leaing the landingpad while the engines were starting to roar while heating up to working temperature.

Slowly but steady the other Commanders left the station and we marveled at their brilliant and shiny paintjobs they had bought at the stations hangars. Especially the Mamba was flying a very colourfull paintjob which looked rather expensive but also rather marvolous.
As the other ships had left the starport, I strapped myself into my seat, locked the bridge and pushed the "Release ship from station" button.
The landinggear retracted and we gently lifted off the landingpad, floating towards the mailslot, into the dark void that was space itself.
A quick look on the contactspanel ensured me that we had locked on our wingmates signal and could just follow and support them in the warzone.
"Enjoy the quiet before the storm" I told Gregory in the seat next to me. He just nodded quietly, knowing what would come after a few minutes in the supercruise. Before we knew it, the supercruise assist dropped us out closely to an icecovered world. In the distace we could already see laserbeams beeing fired, shields lighting up and rockets exploding near ships. "It's time buddy". Gregory nodded again. "Yes commander, starting up the Taipan now sir. Open the ramp."
I readied the fighter catapult and pressed "Launch". A rumble from underneath my seat told me he was now in space next to the Corvette. I opened a comschannel to the fighter. "Fire at will Gregory, good hunt" "Thank you commander, be carefull out there" With these words the channel closed and I could see the bright green fighter jetting away in front of me. As I deployed the hardpoints I knew....this would be a long night.

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