Logbook entry

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

14 Aug 2019Lukebagdarrel
Captains Log#3

Mlling around the base lately has given me a bit of downtime.  Now that I am no longer a loaner I have people to take care of the things that used to occupy my time such as ship maintenance or mucking with ship program configurations to optimize its performance.  So reflection is what I have gravitated, to a place I don't often like to go to but here I am.  After a long conversation with K. about my previous log and my reports of...seeing things... Turns out this station has a lot of history.  "Ghosts of Futures Past" the locals call them, a phenomenon known  to them that they claim is due to some strange interaction with the sun and the high metal content of the planet's core that the station is built on with some interactions with the human brain.  In any event, it's damn creepy.  

Also, in my reflection I thought a lot about where I came from and how I got here, which then lead me to buying a Cobra MKIII! Never forgave myself for selling my last one so now that I can hand them out like Christmas stocking stuffers I treated myself.  Ah memories... Back before I knew what I was doing I took on the impossible in one of these babies.  I happened by the Meene system and was reached out to by a gentleman name Ram Tah. The guy had a funny accent but seemed so enthusiastic about his cause that I decided to help the guy out.  I had heard rumor about some ancient ruins being found round and about the edges of habitable space but never seen anything myself.  I fitted my Cobra the best to my knowledge and set out with nothing more than a loose description of what I would find, a fuzzy image of a site and a vague "that way" to set me off.  I had never done much exploring so didn't really know what I had gotten myself into...  A few hundred light years out I made my first rookie mistake...NO FUEL SCOOP!  With barely any fuel I was able to turn around and head to a more southern end of the bubble to get fuel and get a really crappy scoop, the best they had, then went back at it.  Took me a week to get to my destination and boy was it ever worth it.  Ruins!  Honest to God ruins!  Ram Tah set me up with a module that could do the scans and decipher what he had been able to do with himself.  A couple of sites under my belt I realized my next rookie mistake, SRV fuel.  Synthesizing new fuel had never come to mind so I had to hunt down materials for that, which I went out of my way to get an abundance of before heading back out.  

To make an already long story short three weeks later I came back, limping, with enough data for Ram to keep him busy for a lifetime and a new appreciation for those that had made the trek to the center of our galaxy.  With his generous payment for a job well done I was able to afford my Python which then got me my Type 9.  All thanks to the Cobra....With some better planning I am sure my adventure would have gone a lot smoother but alas, I did it the hard way.  But as my father always said, "Nothing ventured nothing gained"....  And gain I did.
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