Logbook entry

Scouting at Witch Head Nebula

13 Jul 2019Lintukori
Log entry, 13 Jul 3305

Sudden withdrawal of Thargoids in the bubble doesn't feel right. I do not think that the war is over. Rather I believe this retreat is related to Aegis and their desire to move into Witch Head Nebula to harvest meta-alloys.

With no conflicts happening in the bubble I set course for Witch Head to scout any signs of Thargoid activity. Upon arrival I saw nothing unusual in the systems around the area. I was pleasently surprised to see an asteroid base in HIP 23759 which is a good place to use as hub for this mission. Base is ran by Xeno Research Group whose members pointed out some barnacle sites nearby. That information is useful as Abaddon doesn't have detailed surface scanner fitted.

I headed out to a barnacle site as Thargoids are known to appear at those sites collecting meta-alloys. Indeed I found some ripe barnacles but no signs of Thargoid vessels. I decided to try harvesting some meta-alloys even though I don't have SRV aboard. I fired some gauss rounds to barnacle barbs and meta-alloys dropped onto the ground. I open cargo scoop and carefully approached the target. Abaddon took some shield damage but I was able to scoop piece of meta-alloys into the cargo hold. I repeated the process and collected another sample. Abaddon doesn't have more than 2 tons of cargo space so that will do for now. Anyway I was pleasently surprised by the capabilitues of this small ship. It never ceases yo amaze me.

Now I will head back to Witch Head Science Centre and continue scouting the area. The word is that superpowers are planning to do expansions here so things might heat up in the coming days.

CMDR Lintukori
TFS Abaddon
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