Logbook entry

Shinrarta Dezhra and pirates

24 Jul 2019Lintukori
Log entry, 24 Jul 3305

Thargoids hit hard on Pleiades. Three stations burned and professor Palin had to escape Maia. I visited his old research center and it was occupied by Thargoid scouts. I killed a squad of four scouts which was surprisingly difficult. Abaddon is built for zero G environment and fighting on planet surface caused problems with extra heat. Thrusters try to compensate the planet's gravity and thus the ship runs hotter on surface. Using two gauss with that made heat levels go way beynd 100 percent. But Abaddon held together.

As commanders defended Palin's ship, Carson Spring, he was able to escape to Arque. Now that also the incursions have been stopped Thargoid activity is back to normal. This allowed me to make use of my recent promotion to explorer Elite. I decided to visit Shinrarta Dezhra. I knew that the system dangerous as there is lots of pirate activity there. Nevertheless I decided to head there on my trusty IEagle.

Upon arrival things looked ok in Shinrarta. Space was busy but none of the ships seemed hostile. I first headed for Jameson Memorial. This is a place where you can buy absolutely anything related to spaceships. This time I didn't need anything special. Just some extra cargo racks. I was planning to go meet Lori Jameson at Jameson base. I knew that to convince her I needed to deliver some special ales for her. So I went to to pick up some ales at Kongga.

After returning to Shinrarta I noticed that one Krait Mk2 was looking suspicius and was vectoring on my back side. Soon after I got the warning that it was trying to interdict me. I slowed down and both of us dropped from supercruise. I immediately set full power to engines and hit boost. Abaddon was reaching 650 m/s and I got some distance between me and the hostile ship. GravityWulf was the name of this commander and soon he contacted me and requested all the loot I had. Not today I was thinking. These ales are for someone else. "Too slow" I responded and noticed that this taunt was hitting in the nerve of the pirate. "You think" he responded. I was already beyond his effective range but he tried another trick. He went back to supercruise and soon his Krait appeared at 2 km from me. By this time I had already plotted a course for another system and I high waked out. I had never seen a manouver like that and it almost made me regret for my choice of words.

After the incident I decided that it was best to take my Cutter to make the deliveries for Lori. So I visited Hajangai to change my ship and made two runs between Kongga and Shinrarta to complete Lori's request. After that I asked her to make some modifications to Ultima Thule's SCB. I also pinned plans for lightweight life support that I would use on Abaddon. That modification will make it fly even faster at AX combat zones.

CMDR Lintukori
TFS Abaddon
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