Logbook entry

Two-Headed Dog

26 Aug 2019Lintukori
Log Entry, 26 Aug 3305

Thargoid menace has been suppressed in the bubble for weeks now and no new attacks have been taken place. Still there are concentrations of xenos in Pleiades and Witch Head Sector. I guess they are focusing on defending their barnacle sites and regrouping for a new assault. The war is still far from over.

Yesterday I was at a bar in Cyllene Orbital when I heard a guy talking about a new thargoid type. Supposedly commander by the name of Mad-King Hastur had visited the abandoned Palin base in Maia and he had witnessed an interceptor variant unlike anything we've seen before. Now this is not the first time some "Mad-King" says he saw a new bug. But this commander had something besides a bottle of Lavian brandy to proof his words. He had scan data and it was quite convincing. Now that the data has been spreading publically throughout the bubble people have started to call this new interceptor Orthrus.

In Greek mythology Orthrus was a two-headed dog with a snake as its tail. Its duty was to guard Geryon's cattle. But as it was Heracles' tenth labour to steal that cattle it eventually lead to a duel between Heracles and Orthrus. And the beast was slain.

This new Thargoid doesn't have two heads but its behavior and appearance raise a lot of questions. Why does its armor look infected? Why was it supposedly being chased by Thargoid scouts? What was it doing at Palin's? I know Palin is a bit mysterious figure but he couldn't have a thargoid guarding his cattle? Or could he... In any case it is time to dig into this mystery and do some scouting in Pleiades.

CMDR Lintukori
TFS Abaddon
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