Logbook entry

Establishing a mobile base

04 Jul 2020Lintukori
Log entry, 04 Jul 3306

It's been over half a year since I joined the deep space expedition Lost Souls. During the expedition we saw many marvels of the galaxy. I also visited Colonia for the first time. My personal goal was to scout for any traces on Thargoids in the deep. I saw none of that and to be frank that was bit of a relief. To think that at least Colonia gets to live without the fear of xenos attacking their stations is comforting. But at the moment things in the old bubble have also been quiet and no new attacks have taken place. Rebuilding efforts by Operation Ida have proceeded well and there are only 15 or so stations under repairs.

This moment of peace has spawned an idea of starting a personal mobile base in the form of a fleet carrier. Those won't come cheap but I have heard from fellow commanders that mining low temperature diamonds is very lucrative and that could open up the possibility to make enough money for a personal fleet carrier. I never thought that I would pick up mining but the expedition was a changing experience somehow. I don't feel like fighting all the time and this mining gig might be nice change for that. I bought a new Imperial Clipper for the job and also kitted Ultima Thule for the role so I can try out different setups. At the moment it seems that Thule is better just because carrying large loads of LTD attracts pirates and 7000+ shields and a huge beam laser make sure that I won't give my cargo without a good fight. At this point I've made a better part of the needed credits but there are still few billion credits to be made before I can purchase the carrier. But I will have a small break before I make the final push. I'm planning to take the family to see some nice world like Planet Lave or Cubeo 3.

CMDR Lintukori
Ultima Thule
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