Cmdr James Hussar
Explorer / Trader
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Elite IV
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Ghost Legion

Logbook entry

Jacques Recon and Resupply - Day 6

10 Jul 2016James Hussar
Current location: "OJV2009 J181839.09-134717.01 2";
Distance from Jacques: 15,137 LY;
Distance from Sol: 6,997.99LY;
Distance from previous rest location: 2,352.06 LY.

Solid day of travel today. I adjusted my course several times and so I've lost track of the number of jumps I made, but I would estimate between 150 and 200.

I've diverted course from as directly toward Jacques Station as possible, to directly toward the Eagle Nebula, which is where I am now. More specifically, I'm on a 2G planet inside the Eagle Nebula. This is a dense area of bright, F-type stars. I'm not sure it's correct to call this patch of space a "stellar nursery" or not since the stars here are on the order of 5 Billion years old, but it's a remarkable area regardless. The bright stars are grouped together into an almost artificial pattern - multiple lines of stars in all three dimensions, almost as if they were placed at the intersections of lines of a 3D grid. I keep looking at the area in the Universal Cartographics galaxy map, turning the perspective this way and that, expecting some legible pattern to emerge. It is very unusual and I will be pausing here for a while to let it sink in.

Letting this place sink in is convenient also since the essential maintenance window is coming very close, so several days of inactivity and work on the internal systems is due. I've also collected a variety of algae from the gas giants I encountered on the way to the Eagle Nebula. I've quite the collection at this point and am very interested in seeing how my experiments and analysis turn out.

I will see if I can find some time tomorrow to visit some of the nearby F-type systems to see if they have any additional similarity to each other beyond the star type and their orientation in space. I took a quick drive around the ship - the planet itself isn't yielding much in the way of interesting materials. If I do not find time to explore more tomorrow, I will have to return to it in a week's time as the maintenance will not be put off any longer.

So concludes this entry, July 10, 3302, 03h10, Day 6 of my expedition to resupply Jacques Station and reconnoiter her surrounding area.
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