Logbook entry


03 Jun 2019GuruTez82
Ok ok ok

Iv been at this for almost a year now and I think its time to get organised. Which is why im going to start keeping this log. I need ships and I need money.
Dont get me wrong the last 12 months have been a blast. (wow has it really been 12 months, gotta lay off the chems.) Falling into and getting thrown out of booze hallz right across the bubble. Oh and the women, so many women of negotiable affection how could a guy ever get lonely. Maybe I wouldn't feel so bad if I could remember 1 name out of all of them, or even a face.

God dam. Anyway as I said its been a blast, but I can smell an old friend coming, and iv missed it.

Life was great for me during the big wars on the edge. Me on a Federation Battle Cruiser just itching for the order to man fighters. I helped win that war by being one of the few that didn't die.
Then the war ended, just like that. Suddenly i was shaking hands with and working alongside those who had been trying to kill me just a month ago. I understood why, they followed orders just like me, war wasn't personal.

But i couldn't let it go, hit a few people, then hit the wrong person. Got a ticket out to a posting on the expanding edge of the bubble, right on the border of civilization, and boy did everybody know it. There was nobody, nobody to report too, nobody to check up on us, we were where the buck stopped, we were the last say. This wasn't war or policing, it was just a way to keep the killers and psychopaths from your army occupied during  I don't know how to describe those years, ill just say 2 things 1: Lord of the Flies 2: Apocalypse Now . I still think those ancient legends convey the terror best.

It was after those years that I began to fall, trying to wipe away those tainted memories. A little booze, a little puff, a little star dust and so on and so on.

But there is one thing that makes sense, one place where i fit. One thing that gives me purpose and direction. One place where I matter.
The Thargoides are coming
And I Smell..... WAR!
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︎1 Shiny!
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