Logbook entry


10 Jun 2019GuruTez82
Emergency entry:

Dropped into Sol coming from Alpha Centauri, Pointed at Abraham Lincoln and throttled right down. Gave me 20 mins to prepare before docking.

Then the sensors started bleeping at me. Seemed that the balance was slightly off by just 0.001, but it kept moving. Not to serious but we had just got out of the maintenance bay.

Just as I was wondering about this, the environmental sensors began to bleep at me. Seemed we were loosing O2 at a slightly high rate, again just a fraction but noticeable. Had those spanner monkeys done me a botch job.
I was going to fire off a very colourful message to Hutton Orbitals repair/maintenance bay when the final sensor alarm went off and I knew the problem did not lie with the grease heads. CO2 levels where slightly high.

Somebody is on my ship!

So here I am outside the cargo hold, i'v looked everywhere else just to make sure but I know the stowaway is in there. Iv got my reactive body armor on and i'm armed with a neural disruptor (also known as a taser). I pickup the inter-ship intercom;

"This is your Captain speaking. I know your in there, i'v looked everywhere else. I'll make this easy for you, if you don't give me any trouble you don't get hurt. I'm coming in there in 30 seconds, if your sat on the floor you get to explain yourself. If not i'm gonna zap you and hand you over to the feds without a second thought. That is all"

I flipped the switch for the cargo bay lights, looked through the cargo porthole and started to count under my breath.
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︎2 Shiny!
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