Logbook entry

First log

08 Sep 2018Godsfury
It seems many commanders stories are different and being a newish commander myself I thought it time to log my journey so far...

  It all starts many years ago in a system called assellus primus. I was working as a gunner on a type-9 trading vessel called the liberty, the captain was a man called Marcus Wheeler. A good man he was like a father to those that worked for him and was well respected around the bubble by many factions, it was like he knew everyone and everyone knew him. We got a tip off about some cheap low temperature diamonds a black market dealer wanted gone and I convinced him to take the job on, I wish I never. It was a setup from the beginning, we were cruising on the last leg of our journey when we was ambushed by 6 pirates near beagle 2 landing, they never even gave us the choice of handing over our goods they just tore straight into us. The fight didn’t last long, our shields went down in a matter of seconds and as I was trying to fight them off we stared losing power to systems all over the ship, the captain gave the order to abandon ship and relieved me of my station, he told us all to fill our pockets with as many diamonds as we could as we headed for the escape pods and that he would cover our escape. The ship was taking a pounding and I got in my escape pod and was just about to punch out when there was an explosion in the pod room. Nobody else had made it into a pod and they died as the walls were ripped out into the vacuum of space, I pressed the button to launch and braced myself.... As I floated away in the escape pod I saw them tearing the liberty apart in their purple ships with a unique symbol on the wings, until the liberty couldn’t take any more and exploded scattering the cargo. I watched helplessly as they scooped up what they could carry then jump out, leaving me floating in my escape pod alone...

   A pilots federation ship arrived some time after and found me, he took me to beagle 2 landing and after telling the security forces there what had happened they told me they would investigate, which basically meant they would do nothing and the pirates would get away with everything including the murder of Captain Marcus Wheeler and the crew of the liberty. I wasn’t about to let that happen and let him and the crew die for nothing, I bartered transport back to the black market dealer where we picked up those cursed diamonds to find out where he got them from, why he wanted them gone and who the pirates were that attacked us. He wasn’t there, I asked around and apparently he shut up shop as soon as we left on our fateful journey and disappeared. I still had one more lead to follow and it was the person who gave us the tip about the diamonds in the first place, Will Ruddy.

   I tracked him down to a bar at bakers prospect and his face looked like he’d seen a ghost when I sat down in front of him and demanded to know who his contact was that had set us up. He said he couldn’t tell me anything or they would kill him and tried to run out the door, I gave chase determined he was not going to get away but he was fast and he made it to his ship n closed the air lock before I could get there. I banged on the door screaming I’d kill him if he didn’t tell me who it was when I heard the ship starting to power up, I realised he was gonna make a run for it and looked around for anything I could use to stop him when I saw a sidewinder sat running with the crew nowhere to be seen, I ran over, jumped in the cockpit and gave chase. We never even made it out of low orbit when a purple ship with that same symbol I had seen during the ambush came over the top of the sidewinder and launched a salvo of missiles that decimated Will Ruddy and his ship into tiny pieces. I knew I was next on the menu so I deployed the hard points and stuck on the rear of that ship firing everything the sidewinder had when boom! I must of got a lucky shot or something because that purple ship went down in trail of smoke and exploded on impact with the ground.

  I returned the sidewinder to the launch pad I found it at and knowing I’d lost all leads on finding the black market dealer or finding out who the pirates were that ambushed us and killed Marcus and the crew of the liberty, I headed to the settlements contact officer to see if he knew anything about Will Ruddy. It turned out he did, Mr Ruddy was wanted by the security forces for piracy himself and had quite a sizeable bounty on his head, along with the pirate that I killed who also had quite the bounty on his head too. Not much is known about the pirate ship other than its ship id and the name of the ship but it was enough for the contact officer to know how much the bounties came to and gave me a considerable amount of credits that I used to buy my first ship to start hunting for the pirates that ambushed us that day and the black market dealer that set us up. I realised I may never find out who was behind the attack on the liberty but I would never forget the purple ships or that symbol on the wings and I would never stop hunting them or the black market dealer that set us up, ever!

 I fly a vulture armed to the teeth and if you see me on your sensors you better hope your not wanted, I have fought more battles than I care to remember and killed twice as many pirates but the ones that killed my captain and crew are still at large....I will not rest, I will find you, I will kill you, for I am the...

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