Logbook entry

Here we go again...

23 May 2021Iridium Nova
Haven't kept a logbook since I first started way back in the day. But here I am after all these years and suddenly the idea doesn't seem so silly anymore. After all, if I never accomplish anything meaningful in this life, at least I can leave behind a series of pedantic text messages for someone to dig out of a pretty wreck somewhere.

So, where to begin....

Stardreamer. Yeah, those assholes. Still treating me like I don't exist. I was happy to let the legal eagles take care of things for the last 7 years, but I'm getting sick of being stonewalled. At this point, I don't even care about the pay. I can make 5 million in an hour. It's the principle of the thing. That botched op cost me 50 years of my life. Well, okay, technically it didn't, because I was in a form of suspended animation, but still - 50 years went by and the whole gorram universe passed me by while I was under. Not that it was the first time...

But that's beside the point. How much is it to ask for a little closure? Anyway, I've decided to put myself on Stardreamer's radar. If I can't get what I'm after out of this lawsuit, maybe I can get it other ways. Might even be fun. After all, I've got a whole suite of skills I've honed over the years, and this galaxy awards those with the initiative and the brains to figure out how to get what they want.

First stop: Yemai 2, Koo's Transit. This is where Stardreamer runs its tourism business these days. I need something on them. Something I can give to my lawyers as leverage. Koo's isn't anything big, mostly just a bar and grill stopover Stardreamer's pilots frequent for servicing and giving passengers a nice place to sit and wait when there's a complication. Contrary to what you might be expecting, I don't intend to rob the place. I could, but no, that'd be too -- blunt. I probably wouldn't get what I'm after that way anyway. I need something related to the "Incident" as I call it. Some data, records, anything I can find referencing that fateful day. I'm sure they swept it under the rug, but it's a big company. Old records tend to get forgotten. The data may have been wiped, but object evidence has a tendency to get found by people who really want to find it. Even if not, at least I can try. I need more information, a lead. Stealing from them might get me what I want, but it'll just as easily create obstacles. So let's try something unconventional - let's try working for them instead.

Koo's Transit has some jobs available. Mostly menial fetch jobs and - oh, bounties. That's nice. I can do those. Maybe someone will appreciate being rid of some nuisances and show their appreciation with some information. Information is worth more than credits these days.
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