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A galaxy of crazy

25 Jul 2021Iridium Nova
They say the Far God cult is insane, but considering the state of the rest of the galaxy, I'm not so sure that the people pointing fingers are entirely all there themselves. I used to consider fringe groups like these guys and the Kumo Crew to be a legitimate threat to humanity, but in recent years it seems the superpowers have outdone the scum of the stars in just about every way possible. It's never been a better time to be on your own side, that's for sure.

At this point it seems supporting these fringe groups may actually benefit everyone in the long run, by keeping the nutjobs at the top in check and generating more chaos, which is always good for business. Hm, well, I suppose that's a matter of perspective. In my line of work, you tend to see conflict as a good thing. I suppose Machiavelli said it best: "In peace, one is beset by mercenaries, in war, by one's enemies."

But you have to admit, hardship has a tendency to force people to get their priorities in check.
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