Logbook entry

Time Out

01 Aug 2021Iridium Nova
Sometimes it's good to take a break from humanity for a while. With the Far God boys all sorted out, I took off in my science ship to go visit the Guardians. Been meaning to do this for a while. My last expedition to Guardian space was a while ago, and resulted in the expected science fiction light shows. Everyone says the Guardians were an advanced race way ahead of us in tech but I don't think it's that simple. Yes, they were definitely ahead of us in some areas, but they were also pretty far behind us in other ways. And they made mistakes, a lot of mistakes. Maybe more than us. We can learn a lot from them, and hopefully before it's too late.

Along the way, I've managed to do some actual science, something I've not been able to do much of for a while.
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︎3 Shiny!
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