Logbook entry


10 Sep 2021Iridium Nova
Most people in my line of work tend to have a rather skewed moral compass. I think it comes from the general belief that you can only really trust yourself. But that's a requirement for the job. I'm sure there's probably some blissfully ignorant people out there who have big loving families and live in a veritable utopia where they want for nothing, most of the time. In my experience those people tend to be unwitting consumers of the wholesale suffering of others, made possible by their friendly neighborhood terrorists. Hell, I've been on the business end of that transaction on more than one occasion. Oh, and when I say utopia, I'm not talking about Antal's cult. Only an idiot would believe that garbage. Still, he does pay well...

Anyway, the point is that it's real easy to fall into this trap of believing that good and evil don't exist and it's all relative. I've been there. But there is a true good and a true evil, not defined by society and something you have to look within to find. The problem is that it's so deeply buried under all the moral garbage society dumps on you (and then redefines every other year) that it becomes almost impossible to actually find it. And so most of us just settle for the morals we think we've defined for ourselves, unaware or unwilling to accept that even those have been forced upon us by someone.

I'm not saying I've found this true good and true evil. Hell, my moral compass is as skewed as anyone's, but I'm aware of that and I'm aware that there IS a higher standard, even if I haven't found it yet. In the end, I don't expect to be perfect. But as long as I keep striving to overcome the obstacles I see within, I will never be weak.
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