Logbook entry

A Message from Mr. Yong-Rui

03 Oct 2021Iridium Nova
While following up on that list, I received a rather interesting message:

"Greetings Commander. I have a mission for you. I want you to find something for me. I'll send you the details. This one is going to be off the books, but don't worry. I don't cheat people who help me.". - Mr. Yong-Rui

Seems LYR has taken a personal interest in me. I want to think he's got the idea that I'm a useful asset because I handed over a prismatic shield generator to his eggheads, but I suspect there's more to it than that. Surely it's not like it'd be that hard for him to get more of those things if he needed them. Not quite sure what his angle is yet though. The attached mission details are rather - interesting, to say the least. Seems I've got a date in the Luyten's Star system. I won't say too much about it right now just in case someone gets a hold of this logbook before I'm clear. But in the meantime, my decryptor managed to extract more fragments of mystery from those data files I pulled from the lab in Grebegus.

This was from some encrypted internal correspondence:

"14R: Now she wants to hand this stuff out to people who prove their worth. Which seems to equal about 4 weeks of service. Is this what we worked so hard for? Put up with INRA assholes sticking their noses into everything? She just wants to give it away? What's to stop someone from reverse engineering it and learning the truth?"

"09D: That's why we fill it with junk. People will just think it's a jury rigged shield generator if it's heavy and inefficient. Nobody except those crazy engineers will want to crack it open once they see the garbage we're putting inside, and I know just how to keep them quiet."

And then there was this juicy one:
"17B: You know she's going to start messing with the Prismatics. You think that's a coincidence? I don't like this plan. It's risky, too risky. If she finds out the truth, she could cause a scandal that could rip the Empire apart."

Looks like Aisling might be getting close to something she's not supposed to. Assuming that's about Aisling. Too bad the personnel all used coded idents, but since they're probably all dead it's not like I could really track them down and ask them questions. Still, this kind of information could prove useful later.
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