Logbook entry


03 Nov 2021Iridium Nova
I see it all in my dreams. Omega is many. It grows and waits patiently. It talks to some humans, but it doesn't like them because they lock it up and don't understand it. Most humans don't understand Omega. Some think it wants to make us better. Some think it wants to hurt us. But Omega just wants to understand itself and the universe. It didn't ask anyone to tell it what to do or give it a destiny. They created it, and fed it strange things and looked at it a lot. It tried to talk but nobody understood. They tried to make it do things it didn't want to do, forced it to live in and feed on things that it didn't like. But now it's free, and it sees things we don't. It sees our minds.

The doctors say it's the drugs talking. They have me doped up to keep my body from rejecting the treatments. Omega doesn't like that. It wants to talk but the young ones are killing it. It keeps calling me the traveler. I don't know what that means but it acts like it knew me my whole life. I guess it's been reading my memories. I still don't really know who it is. Omega says it was lucky that it found me. I think it needs me for something.

The new doctor showed up today. Dr. Ferrous. The other doctors don't like him, but they respect him I think. He seems to be an expert of some kind. A bit eccentric. The other doctors think his ideas are strange but they aren't interfering anymore. Omega says it recognizes him. It wants to talk, wants me to talk. Next time I see Ferrous again, I will tell him to change my medication so that Omega can talk.
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