Logbook entry

Enlightening Haiden

30 Jan 2022Iridium Nova
Over the last week I have been deployed in a support capacity to the Canonn Science Task Force working on the Haiden Campus bid. A mostly diplomatic operation, but nonetheless has room for an individual with my particular skill set. The Belisian Council in Haiden has lost almost all support and influence due partly to our efforts, but there was an unknown contributor(s) which has nearly driven them into retreat. I have reason to believe the Belisians have withdrawn all support from the anti-Canonn lobby and this in turn has increased support for the campus project. However, I suspect this may not be the good news it appears to be. There appears to be more going on with the Belisians than appears. During my initial investigations, I visited all of the facilities the Values Party of Belis uses to support their operations, gathering intelligence about their resources, capabilities, and methods. On the surface, this information allowed us to easily counter their political campaign, but it also gave me some insight into their deeper affiliations.

These poor fools appear to have more than a few enemies, which really isn't that unusual, but in this case they seem to have at least one fairly powerful foe which has been targeting them in every system they have a presence. Whoever it is took advantage of my infiltration and used my own backdoors and botnets to inflict further damage on them, after I had left. Of course, this would get blamed on me if the poor guys hadn't been so badly sabotaged that they'll be lucky to survive the next few weeks, let alone figure out that they were sabotaged to begin with.

I expect the campus bid to succeed, though how long it will take is still up in the air. These things often rely on certain individuals acting in a timely fashion, individuals who have engineered their positions such that they are never required to act in a timely fashion. In the meantime, I intend to monitor and investigate the values party further. While it appears to no longer be my problem, it's usually worthwhile to know the details about unusual conflicts going on in the bubble. Especially if there is some powerful mysterious organization involved. The real question is, who is this third party, and what do they want? Attacking Belis now suggests they are interested in Haiden as well, and they've already proven to be aware of me and my operations. Hopefully all I was to them was a convenient open door to use against the Belisians, but I'm too paranoid to actually believe that.
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