Logbook entry

War in Haiden

12 Feb 2022Iridium Nova
I figured this would happen eventually, but wasn't quite prepared for how quickly. Canonn operations in Haiden have been moving quickly since the campus began construction and this has led to conflict with the system authority, the Haiden Organization, who have lost a tremendous amount of popular support and influence over the last week, despite being in an economic upturn. This is likely partly due to my own operations in the system. During the course of investigating the anti-Canonn movement in the Federation, I discovered material and personnel involved in the movement and sabotaged their sources. On its own, I wasn't expecting it to have this big of an effect, but in combination with the efforts of other operatives, I can see how this might have escalated so quickly.

The Haiden Organization is claiming that the Canonn deliberately sabotaged critical infrastructure in the system as a prelude to conquest. Of course, they have no proof, but they're not entirely wrong either. There certainly are individuals working against them, though most of those individuals are motivated by their own goals and are not necessarily working on behalf of the Canonn. I just did what I usually do in these cases and created situations that presented opportunities for certain types of people to benefit greatly in a way that also helped strengthen the Canonn's position in the system.

I suppose this is probably why the Haiden Organization hates me with a vengeance. Still, I had projected a several weeks-long timeline for this. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. The Canonn is one of the largest organizations in the bubble. I am but one cog in the machine here and the efforts of multiple people working toward a common goal (with a little help from random opportunists gently nudged in the right direction) can achieve great things in a short time.

Anyway, after all that, here we are on the brink of war. As I write this, the official declaration of war has been issued. Haiden Organization has brought to bear the entirety of their industrial military infrastructure in an attempt to "stop Canonn aggression" in Haiden. Should they win, Canonn influence in the system would take a hit and their local projects world be set back. The campus construction would likely be temporarily stopped and facilities could be placed under surveillance. But that would only lead to another war. Canonn has a great deal of resources outside the system and would only push back. Haiden Organization is much smaller and has pretty much everything to lose. Speaking of losing, if Haiden Organization loses this war, they will lose control of the system. Canonn would then be the natural choice to restore order, having the most resources, money, and authority in the system at that point.

So, regardless of whether the Canonn actually intended to conquer Haiden, it looks like that is very likely what will happen.
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